New at a brief bit of promotion for the due-out-in-September-2021 my new book...

13 78

New at a delayed article on the creatures and creature-building of the new Netflix series Alien Worlds...

55 175

New at Shrews of the World! are amazing, and this is but a brief introduction ...

39 107

New at Cloudrunners and Other Cloud Rats of the Philippines, an article on a very special of giant, fluffy, tree-dwelling rats. Definitely one for fans :)

12 49

New at GIANT FURRY-TAILED OF THE PHILIPPINES. Yes, the cloud rats or cloudrunners, a spectacular group of 'Old Endemic' murids ..

30 92

New at the third and final piece on Alternative Timeline Dinosaurs, this time looking at the 'smart post-Cretaceous dinosaur' meme...

72 228

New at part 1 in a series on ALTERNATIVE TIMELINE starting with Dougal Dixon, Greg Paul, Manga, and the Speculative Dinosaur Project!

48 149

New at The Fate of Burian’s Styracosaurus, a story of memes, of sorts...

16 40

At last, phyllostomid bats - the New World leaf-nosed bats or spear-nosed bats - receive some coverage at These are among the best of bats.

22 62

New at Potoos As An Internet Phenomenon ... Art credited/linked in the article.

53 187

New at The Dougal Dixon After Man Event of September 2018 Big thanks to and Dougal Dixon :)

12 43