Very late Christmas gift I made earlier this week that I made for my friend Bleedman on deviantart. Since I draw monster girls I drew his alligator girl Lether! ^^

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I'M LATE I'M LATE I KNOW happy !!! I'm a Syrian-Canadian artist with a PLETHERA of mental health issues and I try to portray that in my artwork. I work as a pt illustrator, but one day I want to be ft!

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Apparently it's so here I go:
Howdeedoodlethere, I'm a focusing on reconstructions and specimen drawings ... oh and I occasionally illustrate fluffy too.

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A few that I’m really looking forward to reading this year:
Missed it on original publication, however, ‘A Nest of Vipers’ by the superb is being republished in August. Raymond and Polly’s Picturebook looks 👌🏼

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A2. My class have loved the interactivity & engagement with Fighting Fantasy books. There’s an ace example of practice on the OU website which explores how this might work. Super for cross-chat book talk. A great gateway into reading!

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For me, sharing texts w/ challenging themes, you have to have a really good awareness of the lives of the readers in your class. Sometimes texts can open up experiences/thoughts/emotions long since buried. It’s important to create that safe space for discussion.

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Ready for next Tuesday's Start saving those book covers. managed almost 50 last week 😉📚
Definitely lots of scope for Secondary colleagues

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Not a memory as a child, but the strongest memory I have of someone reading short stories aloud is my PGCE mentor. He finished most days with a Paul Jennings story and the kids loved it. Had a huge impact on me and my practice.

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Ready for tomorrow’s ? Here’s the questions in advance, alongside some of my favourites.
All welcome.
Tomorrow 8-9pm.

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I'd love to get a chance one day to read this with a group of children or a class. But, I was really interesting reading it with my son. It kind of took on a whole new meaning mid way through lockdown.

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I couldn't get through a whole without mentioning these. Both absolutely perfect for Year 4 and two of my favourite read-alouds. Edging towards classic status already I feel.

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First book my class chose was the infinite lives of Maisie day which always goes down well, we followed that with Freddie Yates which they also loved and we started After the War today which is completely different but I’m hoping they will get a lot out of.

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After kicking the year off with a few of my favourite Paul Jennings stories, we dived straight into The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates by and . It's a genuinely funny book and was hugely popular with my Y5/6 class.

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I should’ve included this cover as this is the one I remember being read on the carpet at school. Never looked at a supply teacher the same again since. Magic!

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A1: I think the more things you speak/read aloud, the more things you love listening to. As a child,it was a blend of fiction/PBs & I always remember my dad & I reading factual books aloud. That developed into learning languages like Japanese. Sharing snowballs.

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Thanks, Kyera!
The Delphox is Reccia Flareidian, a momma of two daughters (a fennekin and a braixen ofc).
The two Renamons are Dhrette and Lhette Harmonix sisters!
Here's some more art of them OwO
(🎨@/letherhands @/bdcharmeleon )

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