The Science of Breakable Things is spectacular. Small Things is wonderfully done, has even more impact when you learn about the struggles of the author. Virginia Wolf is subtle and opens up a lot of discussion.

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I 🧡 your shout outs, Ben and 'The Iron Man' is an especially golden nugget, with a genius opening page: "Never before had the Iron Man seen the sea. He swayed in the strong wind ... on the brink of the high cliff." 🤖

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So yeah, reading has played a massive part in shaping me into the person I am today. I went on to get an English Lit degree and now I get to teach reading and writing to kids - and even write the occasional book.

Plus, you know, superheroes are cool.

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Fantasy / steampunk is a good entry point by which to get kids interested in history, like Wildspark and Cogheart. Not historically accurate by any means, but fabulous stories that will capture their imaginations and motivate them to find out more.

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Shaun Tan is such an original talent, isn't he? There's something otherworldly about his gorgeous illustrations, whilst his books communicate real world truths. 🙌🏾

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite. 🧡

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A few that I’m really looking forward to reading this year:
Missed it on original publication, however, ‘A Nest of Vipers’ by the superb is being republished in August. Raymond and Polly’s Picturebook looks 👌🏼

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