Encuentro Internacional con la escritora y promotora de la lectura colombiana, Irene Vasco. Este evento se realizará por Zoom y contará con la participación de: Banco del Libro.
👉🏻Inscripciones aquí:https://t.co/O0FPZEaEUy

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Wagyuken 44.1kHz/16bit by DJ MOTORA on

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StayHome 44.1kHz/16bit by DJ MOTORA on

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Social distance 44.1kHz/16bit by DJ MOTORA on

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長崎が誇るbeatmakerであり、求道的に自身の音の追求を止めないDJMOTORAさん のbeattapeにアートワークで参加しました。今の社会情勢に対して、憤り、日々感じていることから音楽を作り出している。その思いに自分も共感しこの絵を描きました。その名も"social distance"

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O sistema nervoso ♦

Alguns ninjas médicos como por exemplo: Tsunade, a lendária Sannin, são capazes de afetar a coordenação motora do adversário, causando uma espécie de choque afeta o corpo do shinobi.

Burlar essa habilidade médica é uma tarefa bastante complicada.

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Eu nao tenho mais coluna ou coordenaçao motora mas foi por um bom motivo ✨

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Yup, I went at Delphine as computer artist to work on Shaq Fu (sorry😅), Fade to Black (textures & UI mostly), and later MotoRacer and DragonBlade (DarkStone prototype). Still have the Amiga 4000 from then, and a friend helped transfer files on my PC, you know, for History!

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I've been reading a lot of the kino's journey japanese novel to pratice my reading and it's been really easy to read it. The thing I've noticed is that the author likes to tell you what a motorad is (basically a motorbike) and what a persuader is (a gun) here's a drawing of kino.

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Dulu penulis, gatau sekarng sukanya motor motoran

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¡Hola! LoColle Project es principalmente la cuenta de arte de y donde creo mis gijinkas de trenes y locomotoras. Soy el primero en hacer cosas así por este lado del mundo pero en Japón tiene una cierta popularidad.

Me inspiran Touhou, KanCollé o Azur Lane.

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2019年を振り返ると、MOTORAさんのアルバムのアートワークさせてもらってFATBROS、BLACK SMOKERからTシャツ出させてもらって、人間国宝の孫の個展で銀座三越デビューもさせてもらって本当ありがとうございます

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