Overhaul update No. 80:
Been a while since I've done pretty much anything. Here's my idea for Nate's new look! And yes, he remains Edgelord Mcgee. ^_^

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and design for Sharur, one of the beasts in my Sharur is a winged lion with the ability to turn into a flying mace. They also use protective barriers and telepathy, which extends to mind reading.

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The fifth Divine Dungeon, Dungeon Eternium, is coming May 31st! To celebrate, the series is getting a makeover with new cover art and better grammar/punctuation. Here are the new covers for Dungeon Born, Dungeon Madness, and Dungeon Calamity!

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I'm finally able to work on these skits again! And all I had to do was replace the micro USB connecting my tablet to my computer...

Anyway, Caine and Melly from my

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The fifth and final Divine Dungeon, Dungeon Eternium, is coming May 31st! To celebrate, the series is getting a makeover with new cover art and better grammar/punctuation. Here are the new covers for Dungeon Born and Dungeon Madness!

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Today is May 2nd, a bit of a special day for me. It's the unofficial birthday of my oldest and most consistent OC. So I made some quick art to celebrate his journey with me, through art, and through writing.

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Overhaul update No. 75:
I know it's a little soon, considering the writing isn't anywhere near finished yet, but I'm wondering about images for the cover. And a new title. Cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose.

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if you could cast anyone as the best friend/sidekick log your MC who would it be?

For me, Laila’s best friend is her animal companion an adult tiger so I’d cast Battle Cat from He-Man, lol

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Have some creativity flowing for my comic now that finally pushed me through another chapter, so here's one of the main characters. 😄 Mary's a smart kid who can change into the fox beast Tamamo.

So, fellow writers. How's your writing going today?

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Annie was the first character I designed for my comic, Seeds of Elpis. I got her design idea from a dream. She's the only one in the main group that doesn't have a beast form, but she makes up for her lack of powers with her knowledge of the beasts.

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Here we go! I’m Rene and I write comics. I’m also writing a novel!

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Overhaul update No. 72:
Sol's new look! He's gonna try his best, guys! ^_^

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Drew this a while ago. Character auras from Did I mention I’m a pretty spiritual person?

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