Next Time🦋

In my
life can at the
drop of a dime or like
a catchy with a
teardrop & in
mind. So, I quibble like
colorful butterflies that
nibble and nibble and
nibble—until next time.

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A little pinot, Miles Davis, a good book—that’s my & I’m sticking to it like an —I swim upstream, feeling like it’s all a dream—#folded nice & neat like a napkin or maybe by happenstance is what happened.🤔✍🏽

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I have seen the birth of planets. I have laughed as dimensions collapse. You are no different from the verse you inhabit. You are born with a scream and you die with a whimper.

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"Scan complete. Organism not for Dalkiens," VERA confirms.

A hungry Jack pokes the raw meat of her game as it cooks over the fire. She then looks up, past her landed ship and into the remote planet's sky, wondering if this is a of things to come.

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These art pieces will make you & think o Rabbie’s ‘To a Louse’

“O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion:
What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,
An' ev'n devotion!”

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in the universe
is to believe
in yourself...

as vast
as the milky way,
as deep
as black holes,
as galaxies
your back they
shall hold
you grasp
their inner wisdom
the outer
their stars

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A yawn echoes in the Manticore's cockpit

"Fifteen hours searching and still no safe haven," Jack remarks.

"Except in this part of space," VERA adds.

"Yeah," Jack sighs, laying onto the cold floor of her ship's cramped back compartment. She hoped to at least

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"Gideon is no demon, but a fiend; ruthless and vile in ways unknown. He is a path and a way—one of many to follow. And his sin, so wicked yet divine in its simplicity, is that he won't when the moment comes, but stand vigilant to ensure the survival of his kind."

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on the river Styx
on the ship of fate
Unctuous lies
grown in thespian hearts
Living pagans
Persephone's art

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They spoke of a lunatic in the mountains. One speaking of poison and a key. What does he mean? I was on a hunt for a pack of rogue giants when I was told he could help me. I found that lunatic. I didn’t expect him to be the mountain. I didn’t expect such a grin.

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eventide inside the garden
it falls down like a galaxy lover
his verse is worse than stern
evil and empty fully cored poetry
tendon delicate with emotional energy
bowing stars whisper that
his book is made of eerie
the chapters gilded in girl power

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A theory about nasty cyclists is that loose pants allow for one or more testicles to be squeezed between a and the saddle.
Has been known to happen to cowboys too.

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I grew tired of being what I wasn’t. It tore at my darkening heart. In the end, I had to realize I wasn’t destined for the path I chose. This was my path. My path with my inner demons.

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A deal's a deal. I gave you what you wanted. I allowed you to indulge in your dreams. You never mentioned you had an aversion towards constant death. Now, it's over and it's time to collect when the count reaches 666. Let me asked you before you're mine...was it worth it?

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My thinks happiness is a myth where spirits wear masks in the eye of a needle, but myths are like people—they change from moon to sunshine taking to the awake all night—bringing joy, hope, and power to transcend into the light.✍️🏽#bravewrite

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🎭The POETs’ lover was her a unicorn, he was rare, colorful, mystical & magical. Sent from the divine, right on time like a gift in the or a shining star that twinkles near & far—my ecstasy was a dream—hell, you know what I

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What does to you? Seurat - art is harmony. Chagall - Art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers & never succeeding. Georgia O’Keefe - Filling a space in a beautiful way.

Whatever your idea of beauty maybe, she succeeded with flowers

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The empire of Ezrakul marches. All 7 rings have joined forces for the 1st time in a millennium in hopes of slaying the angels, once and for all. Little do either side realize the cosmic overlords watching. Hoping to stimulate their warfare to their most twisted desires.

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...I align with perfection to the deal—& fill my cup with where love was once before—& heartstrings ‘clapback’ for more while gone are the days, I say, “non, je vais bien, merci, ” to bask in l’amour promised to me.✍️🏽#vss365

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"The best lives are lived w/ simple heart," Halmeoni said. "All are leaders and sheep cresting opulence as feathery snow, all may fall w/ wonder or sorrow, all may melt... 1/2

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