Donkey Kong has become such a beloved franchise, and still going strong! Who knew that the original Donkey Kong Arcade would generate such amazing franchises with it's characters.

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OC TIP: One way to promote your OCs is to draw them dressed as popular characters. It gives you the benefits of making fan art, but it points viewers toward your original content!~

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I'm actually super proud of myself with this one, it's one of the cleanest pieces I've finished in a while.

Except for the feet, those are garbage

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A drawing of Krusha I did I think just a week ago.

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Dibuje a este icono de los videojuegos ya que es el favorito de mi mejor y más antiguo amigo.

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Work done for my company You, Design.
Art done to archviz project.

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19th entry! "Donkey, Cranky, Dixie and Diddy" from Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze", (WiiU). // I have fond memories of playing with Dixie in DKL2, so I was happy to see her back. I also want her in more party/sport games, though.

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Cargo Up Throw. has a cargo throw that's activated like Her version has her hair hurl her hapless foe in a highly curved arc. Here's the full moveset:

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