bom vou finalizar ela por aqui pra dar procedência a outros projetos, ela um ótimo estudo de escultura retopologia e bake, tbm usei marvelous designer pra criar a roupa, infelizmente não vou riggar por agora, talvez mais pra frete.

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Good thing I did some retopology already, meaning I can easily play around and experiment to see how he looks with expressions

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Today was spent working on getting my potion mesh retopologized. I got everything on it completed and even managed to do a test bake for it's maps.
I also god a huge start on the character retopo. The topology on her isn't the best but character modeling is far from my forte.

1 22

Visualizing a 3D procedural texture projected from an object. Need to refine the shape more, but this can be used to create new Normals in the material and use them for shading, rather than the real geometry's normals. Can have clean shading regardless of topology!

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My favourite character to date! Although he's not perfect I really went all out on this one, starting in then retopologizing him over in I learnt a lot with this boy and I hope to one day recreate him with my new found character creation knowledge!!

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retopology is cringe! I am sick and tired of retopology!!

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Retopology hell is a real place and I've been there, I made the decision to hand retopo rocks recently because I like suffering I guess

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Quanti sospetti… ma sapete cosa significa questo detto? Si riferisce a un fatto talmente strano da risultare sospettoso. D’altra parte, avete mai sentito di gatte che covano uova (Sepulveda a parte)?

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Feliks Topolski (1907 - 1989)

Road of War, 1945

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Volete unirvi anche voi all’escursione delle GM? Quale destinazione proporreste?

4 37

Basically redoing the head from scratch once I realized I should probably search up what topology is. Much happier with how it's looking now!!

1 38

Ormai lo sappiamo, Newton Pitagorico è (anche) sinonimo di guai! Figuratevi quando annuncia di volersi unire alle GM, lui che non è mai stato un amante delle escursioni! Ha ragione Quo, gatta ci cova? Scopriamolo su 3402!

8 24

Fantom--- Lord Quackett non demorde! Cosa avrà in mente? Grandi piani, solo su 3402!

9 29

"I wounder what's next on my todo list"-

Some more progress on Fox.
I rigged the retopologized mesh
colors are not final at all btw

5 9

Finished the Sculpt Portion of my entry for the Grand Space Opera : Light Age Challenge. Moving to Retopology now :) Excited to start texturing.

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Think that's enough progress on Truffy for one day. Getting into the small parts and details this week and maybe prepping for retopology.

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Ok so I'm done with that sculpt, so it's time for some retopology hell, please wish me luck 😬

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فيلم Battle for Sevastopol يروي سيرتها الذاتية. و كيف انضمت إلى الجيش الأحمر خلال الاجتياح الألماني للاتحاد السوفيتي لتصبح واحدة من أكثر القناصين فتكاً في الحرب العالمية الثانية.

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From Geometry to Topology: Inverse Theorems for Distributed Persistence.

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