my basemesh 100% finished mañana abriremos stream y haremos poses o algo con ella si os parece :)

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Dominion Syandana basemesh ... It's either smash or finish one last item 😆

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second female basemesh from this year , built for a thicker body and shorter character

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Practice some poses with a basemesh that was not separated. Turns out that is a lot harder to do. Also this basemesh is not my own, ill be making my own very soon!

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Rubine basemesh+prelim sketches.

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Sculpted an écorché in Zbrush on top of a skeleton basemesh as an anatomy study.

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Still need to polish up here and there, plus I need to re-do the base sculpt (as you can see some parts are still roughly sculpted)

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Sculptors Toolbox is a new series from that is intended to cover several aspects of the sculpting process, from basemeshes to brushes & stamps, the series was built for professional use, all content is tried & tested for professional production.

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Very rough but things are starting to come together bit by bit...

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Shoulders... the bane of any skinners/riggers existence...

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Sculptors Toolbox is a new series from that is intended to cover several aspects of the sculpting process, from basemeshes to brushes & stamps, the series was built for professional use, all content is tried & tested for professional production.

10 24

Sculptors Toolbox is a new series from that is intended to cover several aspects of the sculpting process, from basemeshes to brushes & stamps, the series was built for professional use, all content is tried & tested for professional production.

4 14

Sculptors Toolbox is a new series from that is intended to cover several aspects of the sculpting process, from basemeshes to brushes & stamps, the series was built for professional use, all content is tried & tested for professional production.

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But I'm far from done with this area... fix notes bellow... *sigh*

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work in progress: Zbrush basemesh

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For those wondering about my boring pre-Zbrush basemeshing process, here's a look at the DP set's meshes.

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700 quad basemesh o m g

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Hey guys here is the sculpt of the female basemesh!

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