Hopefully Sawyer will stop getting headaches now...

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I hope to change my PC soon, it is already giving me a lot of problems to be able to continue
it is my main cause of headaches much of the time.

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Nathaniel! he woke up on the side of the road with total amnesia and is now a little weirdo who speaks in a monotone and is part of a poly triad and gets bad headaches.

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3rd piece of my new collection is up!🧠
Those who suffer from headaches will identify with the Throbbing Titan💊 1/1 & 0.1 ETH✅

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I have something cool planned but I'm getting migraines and headaches from working with Matzushii I think her influence is spreading... perhaps I'm too far gone now.

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hahee morning guys, my headaches gone👍 and i have content
oh n they filling the room with purring noises, ofc they are

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Meet my deer boi, Oliver
He sadly has no memories before he was found age 6. When he does try and remember it’s like static and gives him headaches

1 8

I got sick and lay for several days, unable to draw, suffering from fever and headaches. :,D
I watch films about Predators while I'm sick. Yesterday I finally felt better and was able to sit down and draw my character. :З A very quick sketch Х)

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It also features headaches and uhhhh

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Drawing fakemon for my Philippines based region until I get a GF challenge!

Week 004

A small simian with big eyes that cause massiveburning headaches

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when I said big brain, I didnt know it came with big ol headaches


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Headaches are awful, but this Headache illustrative primer from is AWESOME.

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Good morning everyone! Morning walks are nice and helped clear my headache today! So I hope you find ways to destress and remove headaches and have a great Thursday!

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Selfie rbf
Naturally blond, but I’ve had ginger hair off an on for years now. And always wearing sunglasses because pale grey eyes are extremely light sensitive and I get headaches easily. Sadly no freckles.

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gn!! 🌙

today was definitely not my day,,, i had massive headaches and the back of my neck was so sore that i barely could move my head x_x

still, i could not have come here without something so here's a 💃

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Entry 2

I suffer from Cluster Headaches

It’s a pain that reoccurs every day at the same time for as many days as the episode lasts

You have no control

My therapy was writing a headache diary to describe the pain

And stoicism

Something has caught amazingly here

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And back at Peter’s apartment, Mary Jane visits and finds him unconscious on the bathroom floor! She puts him to bed (stop), but ultimately it’s still a mystery what is causing his headaches and blackouts.

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Meet Cherry, Xander, Violet, and Eirick! Cherry and Xander are long lost friends and Violet and Eirick are childhood best friends! C and X are my main characters, and C specializes in healing while X has sound manipulation! He gets headaches and is usually in a bad mood.

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🔴LIVE! on Twitch🔴

I won't be playing games today due to risk of headaches and motion sickness, so we'll just be chatting today!

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Been a stressful week, been really tried, had tons of headaches and been stressed. So I decided to just draw some stress relief stuff

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