'it don't get easier anywhere.. you only hope they see ya go ....

32 88

'“Thinking doesn’t pay. Just makes you discontented with what you see around you”..

22 74

'Although Beta has his .. still retains Alpha's eye .. the crack in the sky ...

33 101

'If ya'll scared .. maybe you be doin' something wrong .. well, i'll fix it ..

14 48

'for all you do , nothing seems to change, it repeats, over and over .. and again ..

28 90

'the times we say , and things we do , just to make a better you ..

30 82

'Even on my weakest days .. we get a little bit stronger ..

38 139

'Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see. ..

28 97

'you wander all the time now .. but you never get anywhere ...

28 95

'ya try and take charge .. and people believe you .. then it fails ...

34 100

'If I could save time in a bottle .. the first thing that I'd like to do ..

27 83

'its life that grinds , not the dead.. we change ..

18 61