Wood Warblers; two birds perched on the branch of a pine tree, by (Scottish, 1823-1909), who died (Aug 9). Pl 38 in “Birds drawn from Nature,” Edinburgh, 1862. Held at the , https://t.co/wNuM2i1hYZ

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Phlox “Asia,” first half of the C20th, by (English, 1873–1961), who died (Aug 4). Plate 272 Addisonia; source, , https://t.co/a95hjAIYyI

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The Visualizing Knowledge section of the exhib showcases the work of well-known historical & well as others who achieved less renown in their careers.

Pic'd: Musa, ca. 1631, by

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Lankesteria parviflora, 1843, attr to (#SarahAnneDrake, English, 1803-1857), who died (July 9). Edwards's Botanical Register (text by John Lindley); source, , https://t.co/07CXdYdvhg

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Fleurs / Flowers, c. 1750, by (French, 1701-1780), official painter of the Jardin du roi from 1740. Held at ; source, https://t.co/qBUzLw5yax

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These paintings are attributed to Harriet G. Williams, and accompanied this hand-written manuscript prepared by her husband. From https://t.co/yJ7tKcOvDS.

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(Recurvirostra avosetta) sweep their curved bills side to side to search for aquatic invertebrates. SciArt by Elizabeth Gould for John Gould's Birds of Europe, Vol. 4 (1837). In via : https://t.co/AadRgdQXcL

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Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica). by Georgiana Curtis for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Vol. 68 (1841-42). View more from this series in with thanks to the Raven Library of the for digitizing: https://t.co/eCdKD0u5jz --

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In Germany, Auriculas are a symbol of home. Bear's Ear Primula, Magdalena Bouchard, ca. 1773–1793. From Hortus Romanus, vol. 1, Massachusetts Horticultural Society Library.

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Cactus dahlia, a cultivar of the genus by Madame J.-R Guillot for Revue Horticole (1908). View more in with thanks to the Mertz Library of the for digitizing: https://t.co/dJTBZZtXwv --

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Attending tomorrow? In we will have a short talk beforehand at 4.45pm. Free and no need to book. This month the focus is the subject of our most recent blog - some of the past: https://t.co/3BBIt2R1aa 🐍🦎

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Eleazer Albin’s 'A Natural History of Birds' (1738-40) was the first British printed book of to feature hand-coloured plates. In fact many of the 300 illustrations were the work of his daughter Elizabeth.

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I'm still working on Gertrude Hamilton see https://t.co/aNNi7qrTGj. you should think about putting some of the images in this magazine in Flickr! https://t.co/pAavfXnc2n See the following as examples https://t.co/xa1kkNYrWv

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Red carpet looks as flowers: Hailee Steinfeld x Paeonia spp. by Sarah Anne Drake from Edwards's botanical register (vol. 17); via and Peter H. Raven Library.

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3/10 An illustration of a tawny owl, by (1823–1909), from plate 12 of Birds from Moidart and elsewhere (1895). Courtesy of

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Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica). by Eliza Turck for Familiar Wild Birds (1883). View more in : https://t.co/Y5F3yVr8PD

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