Gettin the courage to post the sona,, Never wanted to be an intern so bad never in my life i Swear.. Also pink pigeons. They're Good. Looks like if Dwight Schrute was a lesbian bird

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“Don’t let your memes be dreams...”

On one of my first dates w/ my now fiancé, he wanted to pay for everything & I felt bad about he proposed I draw him something in return. Took about 3 yrs, but here’s his gnome wizard Raston w/ some pigeons.

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Stool pigeons. Herbert Bayer and Walter Gropius, Exhibition Catalogue for the Section Allemande, Werkbund Exhibition, Paris, 1930

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via Cathy Rosamund Stillman-Lowe Another beautiful work by the late Greg Poole - Wood Pigeons.
I need their sweet call to calm me down [Tweet recycled from

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New exhausted people comic! Because seems to not be able to tell the difference between doves and pigeons. Even had an award made for him as a joke.

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Mon appart n’a jamais été aussi propre...ça en devient suspect...bientôt je vais mettre du vieux pain sur mon balcon pour attirer les moineaux, les pigeons...

Nouveau strip en français sur :

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Please join us this Friday, March 6, at the Windows of the Wild Bird Fund gallery for an artist's reception with Katrina Slavik and her mixed-media pigeons. Free, fun and feather-forward!

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I think I have a problem... pigeons are weirdly fun to draw haha ^^ This is a logo I created for a team project at university... I’ve doodled so many pigeons. Help.

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"Take time for your pleasure
And laugh with love
Take the hand of another
And sing for the wings of a dove."
"What, Hobbes?"
"They're pigeons."

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I modeled a cute little pigeon to print a figurine because I LOVE PIGEONS.
But the low-poly version also is unexpectedly adorable too HAHA

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Go away, pigeons. I don't have any birdseed!

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The Dodo was a large bird from the island of Mauritius, east of Madagascar, closely related to modern day pigeons. Due to the lack of natural predators, they didn’t need use of flight or defense, which lead to their decline when humans arrived and introduced invasive species

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Watched John Wick 2. Saw pigeons. Drew pigeons.
Think they're gonna be my go-to until I can draw other stuff properly again. Silly birbs.

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Brand new drawing of Randy Johnson, who is a photographer now and no longer a threat to pigeons.

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Couldn't resist xD Meet Adrie the half-elf warlock! Unknowingly entered a pact with an archfey, but doesn't realise it. Thinks she's just doing her 'magic friend' favours and gaining spells in her sleep. Has awful aim, 0 braincells and a knack for accidentally hitting pigeons.

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Good night guys. Just finished some work for a client and just did those pigeons.

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Hi! I make semi-regular diary comics with occasional guest appearances by Chaucer, Bruce the Horse, my cat, my kid, Switzerland, and pigeons.

Get books and postcards here!

See some art here!

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