for Tyrande's bust and her owl Dori'thur, kinda satisfied with my first try with lightning !

Sculpt made on without the polypaint, but retopology incoming for texturing...
! 🦉

3 7

Not my best topology O:! but pretty acceptable I think

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its not a tda I have videos as well as multiple streams. Multiple people can in fact vouch for me making it from scratch. Please see pictures below for unwraps and topology comparative to TDA. As you can see, my unwrap fits nicely into one square TDA requires two.

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some wips! i did a LOT of retopologizing all of those shapes are by hand. also a view of the inside cause its horrible

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early retopology finished, time to project, y start making the clothes for the printable sculpture

0 17

POGRESS. now i have to retopologize and im debating if i should sleep or not but i am NOT tired

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I'm working on a character model for class but my teach is having me retopologize part of it again and its.. grueling......

0 6

Le avventure di Topolino (Mickey Mouse) : storielle e illustrazioni / dello Studio Walter Disney. Torino : Frassinelli, 1933.

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Extremely important topology to get right.

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This skull retopology will actually be the death of me

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Void Bot avatar I made! 100% from scratch made in and Some hard surface modelling connected with parts of sculpted retopologized mesh.

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On this day... at Hopmonk Tavern, Sebastopol, California poster by 12/2/11 M432

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Newton Pitagorico e Pico De Paperis: questa sì che è una coppia inusitata! Per sapere cosa combineranno (e se andranno d’accordo) non vi resta che leggere 3392, in edicola!

8 38

Normally when I model I do low poly with a multires modifier for details. I'm actually doing a straight sculpt to retopologize method for this outfit. Sculpting is fun guys.

Also needs this costume in

3 51

I'm not familiar with it, no! Can you modify the topology of the models to suit a certain style? Liiike this one?

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rate my topology

1 10

I finished retopologizing my character ;w; ! <3 I will be able to paint her soon~

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Sleeve detailing done. Decided to add the wrist twist to the base topology as that seems to be a common convention. Sticking with the themes established with the boots (although not as many layers, ad I want to finish this some day)

2 19

More progress on the pilot, still a bunch of work left on the helmet and polishing some props. Should be ready to start retopology in a few days, the deadline approaches ominously.

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