The seas of Atlantis are fraught with legends. Some perhaps more real than fiction. As pirates sailing in search of the ultimate catch may come across more than their harpoons can handle.

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Rumours can be delectable things once the delirium ceases & breath trembles toward sideways fate. Suppose their armada of laughter at another's forced ruin had changed earlier. I needn't bother. 392

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Deliverance beckons from the godless voice. As memories from another place, another time, dig their claws into the mind. Reminding one of the fragilities of our existence. And to live it to the fullest. Until, at last, it is all blinked away into oblivion.

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In distant worlds, the land catches flames under thousands of years of strife and tyranny. Legends tell that if the right tune is sung from a place where all can hear, the land will flood in seas of a new beginning. And all wars will come to an end.

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The old gods of Olympus speak of a mighty dragon with scale blue like the ocean that descended from the clouds. It began to speak. Telling of a great war in the distant future. That when the fires of tyranny erupt, all will be turned to ice.

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A great deal of religious art was about communicating The Word for a largely illiterate audience. The primacy of The Word came with the Reformation. Before that provided a of the doctrine into something tangible, meaningful, understandable and transformative

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She wasn't
But highly ritualistic
The fear of not keeping
Her usual routine
Threatened her life

Not because
The supernatural
Would destroy her
But that she
Would destroy

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Due to my limited budget, my art collection is in the medium. I am a great fan of I own a few of her works plus her fab wee books on journeys in Italy & Greece. My fav is obvs the last pic which depicts the Russian Revolution 2017 ex

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Looking into the kitchen corner I see my brothers older self hut his younger self with a punch so hard, the younger self falls, knocked out to the ground. Eyeball falling out I walk out of the door. A car pulls to the side of the house, out comes three clowns. Nefarious

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Looking for
A storyteller's
will suffice.
Kelpies, Selkies &
The Wee Folk
Across the Scottish
Roam about.
Many a tale &
A writer's soul.
The imagination
Is caressed by
Water spirits &
A monster in
Loch Ness

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I was so the night before, I did not sleep well. In the morning my asthma played up so had a wee lie down. Woke up, I’m late! I rushed round to the Gallerie Accademia. There was Paul at the door waiting for me. I got to see all the beloved paintings

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Legends speak of gods known as the black water deities who rule over the seas and its every traveler with careful eyes. Those who seek a peaceful voyage are guided home. Those with more nefarious intentions are drowned and devoured.

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