is a daily writing prompt for poems, microfiction or simply personal thoughts about resilience, fortitude and rising from our falls.

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Join in, find your inner survivor and pen some inspiration.

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What do you think? Doesn't it make sense that an AI raised by art would be influence by art when it gains sentience?

More tales of the Brambles to come.

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Introducing a new experimental microfiction series to the feed: Anamnesis, created by David Devereux!

Join them live on Twitch at 8pm GMT to celebrate the launch:

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A few extra images from my short story, The Wizard and the Worm. Have you read it yet? Click the link in my bio to read it on DeviantArt or Instagram.

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Coming next week: The Wizard and the Worm. A short story written by me and accompanied by generated art. I'm pretty excited to share this one with you all.

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I can read those microfiche things at the library without using the machine

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This edition of Mōtus Audāx Press has published my microfiction. Thank you Editors.

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Evening! From today, I'll be posting a few drabbles each week, continuing our Mythical Drabbles Read Online collection.
First up, 'Imagination' by (Yep, me!)

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a Mob whack. Known as a "Chicago overcoat" (body disposed in an oil drum) and a pair of "concrete shoes" were enough to guarantee the corpse would never see light again.

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