Alfie Allen and Sam Rockwell together
2019: saved✅

9 14

L'immagine alla base della copertina del Daizenshuu 6, sesto volume della serie di guide ufficiali Daizenshuu dedicate al mondo di Dragon Ball.

"Quasi tutte le opere di - 9 Settembre 2019:

1 1

Entry no. 7 for 2019: Kamen Rider Kabuto.

15 36

Toshinko Week 2019: Day 2 - Quirks

Picnic date planned by Inko with her pulling all the stops which include showing Toshi how much her quirk use has improved since self training.

2 21

Toshinko Week 2019: Day 1 - Affection

Cuddles and comfort make these two feel relaxed on a calm day

8 56

BEDA.COMM presents


An interschool short film competition open to SHS and College students of N. and S. Luzon!

To know more, click the links below:


12 12


20 92

showing their work in Jane Wilkinson (No.14) will be exhibiting and Hollydale Primary School (No.15) will be presenting a range of kids’ with the theme of Identity.

3 7

Novo Título de Outono 2019: Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia Episode 0 Initium Iter!


16 146

Daily 2019:
First thought was dancing, the topsy turvy scene from the Hunchback of Notre Dame came next. I dont see much art of Esmeralda 🤔
Social Media/ Tips/ Commission/ Merch

2 3

Sedicesima segnalazione per Jumta, la mascotte del Jump Shop. Oggi ammiriamo un Jumta generico, nell'atto di spingere con entusiasmo un carrello (pieno di fumetti?).

"Quasi tutte le opere di - 4 Settembre 2019:

1 1

Daily 2019:
Just a quick one today, felt like some aesthetic work. Hurt my eyes a bit while working 🙃

Social Media/ Tips/ Commission/ Merch

1 1

Habboween 2019: Witches' Coven Clothing! -

26 77

Årets årets första hedersgäster till Retrogathering 2019: Team Lampoil. De ligger bakom Rope & Bombs till Game Boy och kommer att berätta om hur det är att utveckla retrospel på 2000-talet, vilka problem de stötte på och hur de löste dem. Läs mer på:

2 7