If you write, someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that's all.
- Stephen King

121 363

I hate it when people end a sentence with a bird.

147 387

So I'm thinking of starting my own D&D campaign based on one of the worlds of my stories. I've never dmed before, so any pointers?

0 1

When an author begins the publishing process...


1 11

Finally set up my page. Hope to get some writing buddies if possible! I've never been the social type but I hope to maybe find people to chat with on Discord (or Skype if I decide to redownload it) https://t.co/8IEuwpADff

0 1

Erotica & slang words for vagina:
muff, foo-foo, minge, pussy, cunt, love slot, squish mitten, kebab, bacon sarny, beaver, bearded clam, love box, hole, snapper, beef curtains, piss flaps (no!), bush, fanny...
Reply with any personal faves 😘

2 10

Through our words, we take readers to another place, another world. It’s so amazing to be a writer!

3 12

OMG THIS! Sometimes I find my head in the fridge and I have no idea how I even got there! 🤷🏻‍♀️


11 39

It's one of those jokes...you had to be there!

45 110