Boiling kettle
Tea at the
Pours Water
Hands aren’t
Scalding pain
It burns my brain
Tea forgotten
Who’s to blame
My Shame
Seeps deep
I am no
The same
Where once
Was beauty
Now is
Just breathe

8 25

A mermaid sings evening song
floating amid the deep colorful benthos
wearing a totem of love
keeping it at all above
summons the rain
when she cries out of pain
deep in the penetralia
of a rainforest
writing a story of
a lost moon

16 75

She bent over the microscope to examine the latest samples of the divers brought. There was a kind of blue-green algae she hadn’t seen before. The boat lurched, & she yelled, ”Keep it steady!”
”What?” she snapped.
He pointed at the Loch Ness Monster.

5 19

He left without discussion, listening to those who raised him in exchange for full obedience. They held the titles 'mother' & 'father yet never warmed him as families do. His memory lays tangled with benthos.

14 79

I have these
Words in
My head
I need
To release
I begin
To write
Suddenly I
It’s my soul
I’ve pored out
Cut open and free
My heart is beating
In my throat
I just want to
Express my feelings
I wear my heart
On my sleeve
It bleeds
So I
Just Breathe

21 53

We perished earthly fears the closer our hands got to those cotton candy clouds, ignoring little bites and scrapes along the way. Leaves blew oceans past their sheen until all we saw was a jungle of ambrosia.

13 57

Zombie wander, no wonder. 'Life' too Zombie eat boxed 'brai meals' to get by, avoids noisy zombies & weird human things. But then Zombie find smartphone on parachuted human. Didn't reanimate. You ask for human, find Zombie, keep talking. Emotional

3 16

I heard a sapid voice on the breeze, maternal and full as the peonies on Grandma's kitchen table. I must've smiled because his eyes swelled with a bitterness that spread over his face like a virus—unready for a mother's wrath.

9 51

Her tarot reader put a label with the slyest little fox on the She drank one at the stand while the tarot reader shuffled.
'This is the fourth one I've bought. Shouldn't it have worked?'
'Takes a while. It's like that way.'

6 19

Twas a languorous evening when a peevish pixie spotted rows upon rows of mortals performing the death salute. Finding no jest about it—despite their wide grins—she brandished a magnificent brick.

7 41

The aurora that radiates
From a soul
Even throughout
The darkest of times
For you cannot quench
Beckons from the heart
And permeates the mind
For what seeps through
Is kind
Kindness, goodness
And strength

8 25

She walks
across the bridge
of dreams
over the slough
of broken hearts
Her parasol
of crimson
covers love
that comes
in fits and starts
But her lovers
know the truth
with exogenous words
they still impart.


14 84

The cold would be sloughed off our shoulders where tomorrow's morning spills; and gravity would take us to a home away from home where the only things falling from the skies are rain, snow, and petals softer than silk. 5

16 85

Gold rush

We see the sorrow of tomorrow
that stops the of raindrops
from falling and so
present to mend a heart of gold.

3 11

Appreciate life even if it's not perfect.

Happiness is not fullment of what we wish for.
But a appreciation of what we have.



6 11

Your wristwatch ticked as a deluge of hydrangeas bloomed in our hearts—a quintessential restoration after years of walking through rusted gardens settled beneath strangers' heavy shoes. 2

8 60

It's about soul
how they are entwined
by Almighty
sometime it's revealed
n sometimes
it's secret love

an eternal forever love
beyond time space n distance

way I am loving u since births!

1 4

I'm lost
My wild child
Has found me
Under the fallen sun
Painted vivid colors
Of my kaleidoscope mind
Chasing feral winds
Along the edge
Of my littoral divide
Between real &imagined
Diving to the ocean
Of fictional worlds
Following the sinuous
Of creation

27 72

When it was time for capricious skies to welcome our constellations, we'd stand at the littoral to watch the sea become Sun's womb again, our eyes ready to be ensnared by the stars' content twinkling on small ripples. 1

9 64

littoral dragons
playing fast as her
pearl oyster can spin
seaweed tendrils dance
verdant ribbons of
magical sea rhythm
capricious mermaids
jealousy eschew
conch marmalade and
water their cactus to
to see it wither away

3 15