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Magic Spells

6 17

Our tastes have somewhat synchronized since the womb. Blackened foods are anathema and should be launched into the nearest bin where... 1/4

5 34

"Why so much responsibility to a self-proclaimed vigilante always yelling 'wicked' from the highest point as though it's a game of Marco Polo?" Thad asks, dumbfounded.

4 44

Day's onuses don't always spill into nights. There are peaceful hours when we may fall asleep with kisses tucked in our sleeves, a dream of narwhals in the sky waiting. 1

5 54

"You could say we're experimental cogs in the devil's machinery but we don't belabour in revenge. It's unbecoming," Gigi said. "Like the spellbound expression when I discarded your beau's phone in the driveway. As if it were an augury of good to come."

6 63

As the sun set behind the cherry tree, it seemed to cast its blossoms into the sky where last night's ominous howls became a home for cotton candy w/ its pink-lined clouds. The provenance of hearts' light aura.

7 35

"I rescinded the invitation. He does not deserve the dance," Aella says. When she sees the surrounding question-laden faces, she adds, "it's the utmost of gifts. It burns poisons from one's soul & defends future attack."

4 35

"He spoke of calculus and epsilon. It brought thoughts on the sole recourse," she said, tossing stones into the truck.
"Was cutting his throat truly the only recourse?"
"He's home in hell, isn't he?"

15 78

She succoured those unable to inherit the monarchy's good health, waiting for quiet nights that belied serenity as visitors demanded a donation. She of the fae, humming poems to the stars.

9 53

If pain is an art

My heart
Paradigm of this sychophant craft!

Art- kan Srijira

55 118

Hearts needn't be decades lived in to feel another's ostensible smile. Scarred books may insinuate being well loved but dulled eyes are born from its opposite.
"Don't stare, little one."
"But a Kraken's going to eat that boy."

5 35

Clinking & clattering chains drew closer, signalling more than a contretemps. The author fidgeted trembling hands in a puddle, unknowingly alerting nearby Gigantopithecus hiding behind funnel-like trees—unknowingly about to be saved by the same creatures once caged.

4 29

Your wristwatch ticked as a deluge of hydrangeas bloomed in our hearts—a quintessential restoration after years of walking through rusted gardens settled beneath strangers' heavy shoes. 2

8 60

"We are inkblots daubed round the world. No matter how far one's view zooms on another, only our shells may entice strangers. The rest is efficacious upon meeting one's charm."
"You must be fun at parties."

1 36

She was the cynosure of all light in a room, casting sparks you could feel but never see. I thought I'd witnessed a breakthrough once in the cereal aisle—her resurrection—but only felt the emptiness of a complete stranger then.

2 55

We are our parents' lissome offshoot, taught to order kindness and grace from others while our centers boil with banned faces. They say to be careful with quiet ones—we shelter pent up rage—but we tend to implode, not explode.

13 50

Six paper cranes still hang in his bedroom, curtains parted to let light in. The row of houses on his side of the street haven't lost their apathy, feeling that it's incumbent on them to leave their porch lamps on.

4 35

We paced on silent concord, hands connected. I think we'd both grown tired of walking around dern shadows for months on end, hoping someone wouldn't find out and tell our parents everywhere we'd been more than friends.

4 25

"Storms are cantankerous things. They're a million vengeful spirits manifested out of all those books you've dog-eared & torn blank pages from," I spit, a scowl on my face, no doubt. "What? You'd vandalized their graves, you fool."

7 37

I traced my consternation along the edge of the roof, imagining the city's landscape shifting the way Yoo Joon's face glitched on his avatar—feeling like a wild thing among that skyline, longing for a lost home never seen.

6 35