Hearing sounds of laughter, I peek into the graveyard at night.

The agelast guy is lighting candles over the unblessed graves of the people who died in unnatural ways. The sounds come from the graves.

At the cost of his own laughter, he brings peace to the damned souls.

11 42

Years of subjugation have led to this. When we finally break from our iron prisons and stone walls. And take back what was ours from the overlord of the Goetic Realm and all his seeing eyes.

2 15

Legends tell to stay away from the misty seas of Urtistrad. That a man drags children beneath the surface and crafts dolls out of their corpses. To serve in his nefarious deeds.

1 4

“You finished the painting.”

“Yes, I am no longer a she said coming up close behind him. “St. Jude came to my assistance in a time of great need; I him as my special patron.”

“Will he save you when the Rampers come to reprogram you?”

1 12

The trumpets thunder in war as the enemy's cavalry crushes their opposition with their hooves and their fangs. Amidst the carrion, there still stands 1 warrior. Battered and on the brink of death. Can they make it to the frontlines in time?

4 9

Craft Your Own Tale 2-

The rules are simple. Design your own story based on the image below. Make sure it’s short enough to fit in the comment section. And have fun!

1 18

My favourite colour is blue so I love Blue Period, &, Nocturne.
That’s very interesting but I’m a selling these Bibles
Oh, I thought you said love his ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ - now be gone The Cailleach cackled

4 23

Rumors tell of people entering the swamps of Zargalin and never returning. A suspicious bard decided to venture the murky terrain for himself. And when he saw a great crocodile taken by a slime ridden tendril, that was the only proof he needed.

1 12

Dreams are quite the magical thing. You seldom know you're in one until it's over. But when the curtains of time open and the witch of the black star beckons, you'll know the presence of another world with certainty.

4 19

Chiliad of summer memories
Declaring the genesis of our love
My sweet remedy

26 74

It takes a century, even with the fastest rocket, to reach the plane of the outer emperor. But when his tears spill into the crimson sunset, a path will be forged. And new possibilities will be discovered.

2 12

I thought Memento Mori included books & skulls to indicate the education/wealth of the person/family. It is now clear that they serve as a warning to all - penalty is death & yer skull on my desk. I suppose that’s why so many novels have deaths in libraries?

3 16

I the fence, inches from the creature's razor teeth. I don't need senses to smell its rotting breath. I slump against the barrier, exhausted. I won't try to sneak into Disneyland after-hours again. They're not kidding about the guard dragon.

2 14

You do not need to be a to realise that these paintings are all Allegories of Smell. From to the beautiful but it is who leaves no one in any doubt as to what his painting is about, esp that bloke in the back 🥴 vss365

3 13