//=time() ?>
In a huge win for China, Trump lifted roadless area protections in the Tongass National Forest, the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest. This means more old-growth logging of #publiclands, with most of the trees exported as raw logs to the Pacific Rim. via @wuerker #MAGA?
The #ChineseCommunistParty plan was to use the virus to destroy the Trump presidency. They released the plague at just the right time during an election year. They help usher in @JoeBiden as the new president, which gives them world control. Biden is dangerous for America. #MAGA
"The Villages"
#Americans #Election2020 #Trump #MAGA #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 ? #USA #America #quotes
Expanding the base. #Trump #Election2020 #PresidentialElection2020 #RALLY #GOP #MAGA #COVID19 #coronavirus #politicalcartoons #editorialcartoons #procreate
#RonHauge #Nazi #Comix #MAGA #Rally #MagaNazis #Republicanazis #NazisLoveTrump #TrumpLovesNazis #Facemask #Deathmask #FacesOfDeath #Masks #Repost @ron_hauge (ig) And now, I simply sit back and wait for Instagram to take this down.
They’re coming after him, because he’s fighting for YOU! #MAGA 🇺🇸
A fly in the derangement. In today’s @BostonGlobe @GlobeOpinion
#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #COVID19 #SuperSpreader #flygate #MAGA #VoteHimOut #vote
Spooktober Day 8- "Hat"
Sorry. I was planning to do DOR-15 from Meet the Robinsons but the opportunity was too good to pass up.
#Spooktober #Spooktober2020 #Inktober #Inktober2020 #InktoberAlternative #inktoberday8 #hat #Trump2020 #MAGA #TrumpIsNotWell #Biden2020 #politics
I call this Trump painting 'Sad Orange Clown' #Trump #MAGA #Biden #Debate2020
We found 348 accounts that we believe are likely #MAGA retweet room participants among the Biden/Burisma tweets. These 348 accounts are responsible for 5866 tweets/retweets (3% of the total volume). #Lobsterfest
#PromisesMadePromisesKept #KAG2020 #MAGA #MAGA2020 #BikersForTrump #WomenForTrump #Trump2020 #LatinosForTrump #BlacksForTrump .@NRSC #WHPressCorps .@Yamiche .@weijia .@Acosta .@BBCNorthAmerica .@maddow #Sturgis2020 .@npratc .@NewsHour .@JoeNBC #BackToSchool #MagicalThinking .@ABC https://t.co/JrVq4ivSKn
@realDonaldTrump @BreitbartNews She's incapable of hitting back. She sits back & lets the Sociopath reign supreme. He just uses her account to bolster his viewpoint. #Melania could have #MAGA by leaving #Trump so she & her hidden autistic child #BaronTrump could live free of oppression! #FreeBaron #FreeMelania
This Addams/Trump family cartoon by brilliant Dutch CagleCartoonist Hajo is wonderful!
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@studiohajo #MAGA #addamsfamily #RNCConvention2020 #RepublicanConvention
It’s clear that the #MAGA braintrust people that support Trump are not only proponents of alternative facts. They are also into alternative accounting. Here are the Bannons I did in the past for the @newrepublic and @Independent . I feel alternative sorry for him.
Just drew this on @Twitch_ANZ
#MURICA #ThisIsAmerica #MAGA #Karen #KarensGoneWild #KarenGoneWild
#Vote ...
#DonaldTrump urging #GoodyearBoycott due to information incorrectly attributed to #Goodyear re #MAGA
#President should know the facts & definitely should not urge boycott of #AmericanManufacturing #OhioJobs
Shouldn't he be focussed on #COVID?
Archival @BennettCartoons
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@ThatSteveSack has the #2 and #3 cartoons this week! Here's #2
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#COVID19 #coronavirus #electionDay #Biden2020 #Election2020 #MAGA
My new #pandemic bubble cartoon!
See more,my sketch and recent #COVID19 favorite cartoons by CagleCartoonists on my blog: https://t.co/X2RNTYLVxt
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#COVID_19 #COVID #pandemic #coronavirus #schoolsreopening #virus #MAGA #MAGA2020