【Save Hong Kong in different ways】
You may not be able to join on the front line, but you can still help in many other ways.
Check this out!

16 13

The students who have been shoot by a gun on 11th Nov, he is now recovering and he want to have a bear cookies! Is this students really "rioters"?

71 80

We are mad and frustrated, but what can we do to support HongKong?🙈🙏🏻

手足們可以麻煩幫幫手rt spread俾多啲人知🙇🏻‍♀️

258 236

We are always together💪🏻Let’s fight for our future!!

31 35

많은 시위자들이 아직까지도 중문대 캠퍼스 안에 남아서 지키고 있다. 현장에서 인스턴트 푸드와 통조림만 남아 있고 신선 식재료가 많이 없기 때문에 다들 맨밥, 소시지와 통조림만 저녁으로 먹었다.

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As a HongKonger,
THIS is what breaks my heart every time when I think about it.

12 15

Stand with Hong Kong!

35 27

They are just student who fight for their home Hong Kong

36 25

We need your help.
Please take a few minutes to get to know what’s happened to HK on 12.11

19 8

said she don’t want to see the tragedy happen again. Just like a murderer told you she didn’t kill anyone. Ridiculous.

0 0


26 24

general strike
11 Nov 2019 (Mon)

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🖤FB: 港妹。生活

39 58