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Like any other demon, it is quasi-charismatic—advancing the gentlest of kind souls with grace's veil to make them commit the worst sins until their skulls turn grey from dust. Be a storm. Destroy its title. #SinisterSunday #horrorprompt 355 #SunWIP #BardBits #Sunthing #vss365
"I thought it was ferly fungi like those mushrooms resembling the dead's fingers," Abby says, staring at the wailing hordes on shaking knees.
"Somebody charmed the cemeteries again. Wonder who." #ProjectFairytale #MonMon #MartialMonday #horrorprompt 347 #MurderMonday #BraveWrite
A #sliver of moonlight caressed the curves of Abby's still body. The #game couldn't be at the end, David thought as he willed her to move. Her blood cooled. It had to work. They'd be together if she just opened her eyes. They promised. #vss365 #lilluvstory #horrorprompt
On safari listening to natural surroundings is not vital. Unlike your home, quiet here's a mirage.
You check your texts but glance sideways. Is that a lion leaping at you?
It's cut down by bullets.
The text: 'Dangerous?'
'No,' you type. 'Peachy.'
#366FF #BraveWrite #horrorprompt
Dark skies are moving in.
The town is dark as sin.
Rumbling fills the humid air,
And The Dead will soon be here.
We must escape this night
Before we lose the fight.
#darkside #horrorprompt #paranormal
The horde of mutated chupacabras continued circling towards his foxhole. He had one shot. Hit the timing switch on the rotary flechette and wipe out every one of those sorry motherfuckers. He jumps up, carefully aims and...miss! Fuuuck!
#horrorprompt 285
Art: Jesus Conde
He calls her
From unquiet slumbers
Wind whispering his name
Candles flicker
In their petrified silence
Become twilight rain
Storm clouds
Blacken the night sky
Then out of the darkness
She came
#horrorprompt #TallVerse
Art | Pinterest
What's this thing trying to say? (Art: Norbface) #horror #HorrorFamily #horrorcommunity #horrorart #darkart #horrorprompt
This sea of feelings
And hypnotic desire is
Suffocating me
#HorrorHaikuesday #haiku #horrorprompt #SockItTueMe #MadVerse #focusedverse #amwriting
We trespass the light
Wrapped in flames of dark promise
Dressed without regret
#HorrorHaikuesday #vss365 #darklines 243 #MadVerse #HorrorPrompt #haiku #napowrimo
Wrapped in obsession's
wings, conscience slips willingly
into fading thought.
#HorrorHaikuesday #HorrorPrompt #vampire #goth #illustration #poetry https://t.co/1l7cc13KKf
Silver's magic kiss
Misses my blackened wild heart
And my empire lives
#horrorhaikuesday #haiku #horrorprompt #SockItTueMe #MadVerse #TuesLine
As the mist clears
silent pulse
heart miss a beat
not again !
virulent pathogen
spewing vitriol
rose will not die !
she is wired to fight back
#ravensveil #PoemTrail #horrorprompt #darklines #inpoems #WrittenRiver #tastypoem #vss #poetry #poem
What #pickupline brought them together? #horror #HorrorArt #horrorprompt @HorrorLover_ @ZombieRiot @GourmetHorror @MapleLeafZombie
What #pickupline brought them together? #horror #HorrorArt #horrorprompt @JwPrebich @HorrorFlickNews @Dark_Atmosphere @DeadLightsMag
What #pickupline brought them together? #horror #HorrorArt #horrorprompt @horrorprompt @DamnedPuppets @RedInkPub @jackmalloy427 @thecakenook
Would you be more afraid of a regular #zombie or a zombie dog? #zombiefest #WalkingDead #horror #horrorprompt @zSurvivorLog @Zombieasphyxia