Day 074/365 - Iliana Ignia, Fire Genasi Representative to the Karigos Federation of States

Practicing a flat color, cartoon style

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Day 061/365 - Inno, The First Warforged. Concept sketch of an idea for my homebrew world.

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Have been working on a setting for DMing a D&D campaign and use it for a comic. I have been trying designs for some of the civilizations from it and this one is for some almost-undead people.

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お誕生日おめでとうございます さん!!! 🥳🎉🎂
I wish you all the best and I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest!

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💙Inugami Korone💛
I spent around 2 days on this one! I think the outcome was worth it though~!☆ Also drawing braids was so confusing😭😭

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Trying to learn how to animate. Made my first gif today!!!!


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Today’s project is some D&D art from my husband and I’s campaign.

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I keep changing the design of her armor but I'm done this time. Maybe? haha

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A little persona i did for an art trade with someone on tumblr!!

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I decided to be selfish and draw my baby. I'm

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I've learned a single thing about digital art so far and this is it. Dreading what I'll realise after posting this.

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I drew my first persona in a while! This was a request for someone on tumblr. I hated every second of it :) Humans are hard to draw :(

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I decided to make one last fursona... this time a wolf! (honestly I just like drawing different species, so i just keep designing characters) I can't ever think of names so she doesn't have a name yet!

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No much detail for this one as is still in the concept phase. Basically the sword and the coat are a shapeshifting monster. As he learns how to control it the sword gain complexity

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Human figure is my Nemesis so I'm training myself into posing and proportion and stuff... still a long way to go

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