Well it's been a long slog but here is my offering for my complete blob squad, hope you like it!

9 38

Mostly finished Cataphractii terminator with my first attempt at weathering.

2 13

A Pathfinder Alchemist from - completing my 2016 challenge of posting something new for every this year!

8 24

Early WiP for my first two bloodbowl teams

0 1

Here are the finished monsters/Heros for my sylvaneth

12 41

I took some better pictures of my sylvaneth army only a few model left to finish. Here are the units 20 dryads out of 40

7 41

End of day 2 MKA course still a bit to finish off but well happy with the results

13 47

the 10 Brutes I painted last week for - really happy with them, poor pics as ever tho! RT

8 41

Not a very exciting today, but here's my "improved"(?) Ironjawz basing w/ added Agrellan Earth

3 24

First realmgate terrain done, really fun to paint!

12 47

Either a Banshee or a Planar Apparition joins my Night Stalker army!

2 5

Fixed up my War Altar for so more Devoted of Sigmar for my Order army.

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Soooo glad to finally have this off my painting table!

10 28

Ta, very kind! Once upon a time he used to be a Dark Angel!

2 3

Twitter told me off for not having pics the right way round - fixed this week!

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An early - test model Flesh Tearer with his blood brother. Grr @ those finecast sculpted shoulders!

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