There is no more freedom in HK. We can’t protest, assemble on streets, sing or chant slogan in shopping malls. Now even peaceful march in college campus is not allowed. has converted HK to a giant jail and

8 18

Thanks for In just 1.5 yr, Hong Kong has turned fr a place w/ most freedom & limited democracy to a jail w/o freedom & democracy. & govt hv been repressing all opposing voices: lawmakers, teachers, medical workers, students & any civilian.

3 6

China is NOT does love Hong Kong & China, but no the one ruled by CCP. This authoritarian regime destroys the thousands years of good culture & merits of China & it's entitled to rule us. The people didn't authorize it to do so

2 5

Thanks Sec Pompeo for your staunch support to has completely destroyed HK all around within mere 1.5 yr. Everyday we live in yet another darkest day and there is no end. pls continue to sanction all these responsible for crackdown ppl of HK.

2 19

Hong Kong is no longer the vibrant city protected by Sino British Declaration.
Laws are distorted, election is postponed, pro-dem legislators are disqualified, dissents are criminalised with endless police brutality.

UK pls hold CCP accountable!

14 41

You’re right 😭#HKers are now overwhelmed by these things happened😰 we are fear that the Hong Kong we knew is vanishing, and we also has to admit that it is happening fast now😭so we would like the world to and evil regime😭🙏🏾

10 30

The HK Chief Executive and the are doing everything to oppress , these evil people should be condemned and sanctioned 😡

5 9

Thanks for ur continuous care & attention to the latest Hong Kong situation. Our home is completely ruined by within 1.5 yr. It’s utterly sad & we hope would apply the sanction on these & democracy & freedom violators ASAP. Pls continue to

1 5

No need to summon Chinese ambassador as they’d repeat same bs. They hv long decided not to honor any obligation as stated in Sino-British joint declaration. should expedite full sanction on these & human rights, democracy and freedom violators

1 4

No need to summon Chinese ambassador as they’d repeat same bs. They hv long decided not to honor any obligation as stated in Sino-British joint declaration. should expedite full sanction on these & human rights, democracy and freedom violators

5 5

Thank you Rep for your continuous care and attention to the latest Hong Kong situation. HK, our home, is completely ruined by within 1.5 yr. it is utterly sad but we won’t be silenced and we won’t stop fighting against tyranny. Pls continue to

0 2

Thank you for your continuous care and attention to the latest Hong Kong situation. HK, our home, is completely ruined by within 1.5 yr. it is utterly sad but we won’t be silenced and we won’t stop fighting against tyranny. Pls continue to

1 2

The Hongkong Legislative Council has officially disowned as a rubber stamp. The system of Separation of Powers no longer exists in After the fall of legislative function, will the judicial function be the next victim ?

3 5

Objection is, as we all know, useless. should take some concrete action to punish and govt who breaches the Sino-British joint declaration completely.

14 31

The is surely the biggest threat of freedom, it not only threatens the freedom of Hong Kong, Uyghurs in Xinjiang, but also the free world. The world should watch out for this evil regime.

4 6