Just finished my ultrasound practical exam yesterday. I studied the anatomy and image appearances by drawing it so that I remember how to label 😂

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This patient suffered from a muscle injury grade 3B and received mult. massage therapies before getting diagnosed - unfortunately the muscle hematoma developed a most likely from the previous therapies

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Fantastic talk from Prof. Rabih Chaoui on detecting facial clefts in the first trimester. You might also be interested in this Practice Guideline on the performance of first trimester fetal https://t.co/fF7H4i21ja

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Got the results back today pretty quickly from my ultrasound. I have a "fatty infiltration of the liver" which is basically fatty liver disease, or the step before it at least. (No gallstones though!) Only way to get rid of it is to eat less and exercise. New Kraid remix tomorrow

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Ulnar nerve compression at hamate hook (H) in a cyclist shows hypoechoic enlargement (arrow) of the ulnar nerve superficial branch (arrowheads).

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Had an appointment and ultrasound this morning, Frostee finally got to go with me this time. Baby is growing so fast! It's so amazing to see a tiny human moving all about inside me.
We'll get to find out the gender in ~6 weeks!

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It takes a pretty damn fartsy individualy to do a of their unborns first

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Ultrasound confirming Dequervains tenosynovitis taken this week. The left side is normal and the 2 tendons appear as one, the right side has excess fluid in the sheath which makes the 2 tendons more obvious. Confirm diagnosis and treatment delivered in one appointment

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MAR 04, 2019

Today's Highlight: Fragile Fighter

Ultrasound tech making a game about abuse and mental health is the type of release we like to highlight.

"Trapped in a world of fantasy, a scared but resilient girl..."



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Just realized that not once in my life have I ever drawn the ! How could this be! Had to take a couple minute stab at it before heading out into the snow to my ultrasound appointment.

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I'll be live in the with on on - 10pm-12midnight(ET). I have messages from to share for all!

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So I will start:

Here is a snippet of a piece I’m working on right now—the week I was making it (last week) my doctor found a lump in my boob and “it’s probably nothing” but it’s still totally freaking me out. 2nd ultrasound on it is Tuesday since the 1st wasn’t clearly a cyst.

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This is a transvaginal ultrasound. This is what & want women subjected to before we can access abortion care. Imagine being a rape survivor? We would have to comply, but compliance is not consent. This amounts to medicalised rape.

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*wife getting an ultrasound*

"is it a boy or a girl doc???"

"we've been seeing lots of these lately... Congratulations, you're having a cameo"

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Utilise resisted tests to further assess tendon integrity when using MSK ultrasound...a case of a full thickness Supraspinatus tear

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Q: What abnormality is present on this antenatal ultrasound? ANSWER: https://t.co/KfMqtfHBaM

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