On the I'm talking about Amazon overcrowding and considering Kickstarter as an alternative. Enjoy!


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7 Surprising Perks of Recommending Books on BookBub https://t.co/kIEtt3C7Rq

Check out these seven ways you can increase visibility for your author brand — and boost other authors by recommending books.

Good insights here

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Hunter's latest essay, "Direct Access Pitching for Screenwriters" is now live at FundsforWriters via . Join the newsletter: https://t.co/PYyySueFgH.

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Writers & designers - enter your book covers here for free and get expert feedback!

Book Cover Design Awards – September 2021 https://t.co/ruJ6yA2P4t https://t.co/KjQY4UGxhP

Check out August entries for valuable judge's insights from

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Authors on Social Media: Choosing Platforms & Avoiding Burnout https://t.co/Hv2d5pAAv8 https://t.co/kgLf4qrAFx

Good overview on all the popular sites and how to choose which are best for you to build your author brand.


4 3

I edited the covers for all three to make the titles look more enticing. I figured out how to add texture and effects to text in photoshop. Let me know what you think!

The trilogy is available here: https://t.co/YhImsDxM3G

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