Kiela, my pyromancer who might be related to red dragons :D
Digital art pieces are by @/MischiArt and @/the_zombie_cat respectively.

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I finished the designs for the Spanish dino stickers! ^^

They’e Concavenator Corcuvatus, Aragosaurus Ischiaticus and Vallibonavenatrix Cani! 🥰🥰

4 16

Name: Velociprey (ランポス)/Velocidrome (ドスランポス)
Length: 578cm (Prey)/738cm (Drome)
Height: 194cm (Prey)/250cm (Drome)
Foot Measurements: 45cm (Prey)/60cm (Drome)

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Bird Feet
Infraorder: Runner Wyvern
Family: Velociprey

Habitats: V. Hills, etc.

17 169

Wow! This is super generous and thank you for the opportunity!

This is my Forsaken High Elf, Skurra.

Art is by: @/Nekrokat, @/noirsnowart, @/luminaena, @/MischiArt

Tagging: ,

0 5

Thank you for the opportunity!
Art by: @/Nekrokat, @/luminaena, @/noirsnowart, @/MischiArt

0 1

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis

(Based on the skeletal made by Scott Hartman)

2 23

Thank you for the opportunity!
Art by: @/MischiArt

0 1

Thank you for the opportunity! ♡
More references are available upon request.
Art by: @/MischiArt
Sketch by: @/luminaena

0 3

Name: Brachydios (ブラキディオス)
Title: Crushing Wyvern (砕竜)
Length: 1521.8cm
Height: 557.8cm
Foot Measurements: 178cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Superfamily: Forefoot Fist Wyvern
Family: Brachy

Habitats: Volcano (2nd & 3rd), Tundra, F. Seaway, D. Isle, Everwood

75 447

Thank you for the opportunity! I LOVE the art style 😍💜

More references are available!

Sketch is by: @/MischiArt

0 1

Another new ornithischian out today: early-diverging centrosaurine Menefeeceratops sealeyi Dalman et al., 2021 from the Campanian Menefee Formation of New Mexico.

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Thank you for the opportunity and congratulations!

This is my forsaken blood elf, Skurra. She is still a WIP but here are some refs I have. I should have updated references by the time the giveaway ends.

Sketch is by: @/MischiArt

0 1

Hi.. ::waves:: i'm a mom of two boys! I don't know if this is what you meant.. but i'll put my red dragon oc here from WoW? (art by Ehkkoart, Greyvaella, and Mischiart)

0 2

Name: Rust Duramboros (ドボルベルク亜種)
Title: Tail Axe Wyvern (尾斧竜)
Average Length: 2227.42cm
Average Height: 765.94cm
Foot Measurements: 151cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Superfamily: Tail Hammer Wyvern
Family: Duramboros

Habitats: Sandy Plains

19 133

Name: Duramboros (ドボルベルク)
Title: Tail Hammer Wyvern (尾槌竜)
Length: 2089.2cm/2009cm
Height: 737cm
FM: 151cm

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Theropoda
Superfamily: Tail Hammer Wyvern
Family: Duramboros

Habitats: Misty Peaks, Flooded Forest, Deserted Island, Marshlands, Jungle

55 412

Amare è rischiare di essere rifiutati.
Vivere è rischiare di morire.
Sperare è rischiare di essere delusi.
Provare è rischiare di fallire.
Rischiare è una necessità.
Solo chi osa rischiare è veramente libero.
Alda Merini

Buon sabato🌹
Peter Wever

68 133

Silesaurus was a rather strange reptile of uncertain taxonomic affinities. Was it a Dinosauriform as is traditionally, or was it an Ornithischian as of a new study? Probably the latter, but hopefully future research reveals more on this strange Triassic creature!

5 39

Ah! tu mi guardi e passi,
Mi guardi e passi, e la serena fronte
Al pianto mio s'imbruna...
E fischia il vento intanto, e dietro al monte
Cade la fredda luna.

5 7

È sempre la luce della luna a rischiarare e a dare una nuova suggestione ai notturni delle località più amate da viaggiatori e pittori, come Venezia e le località del Golfo di Napoli.
Fernando Mazzocca

Salvatore Fergola, Notturno a Capri

19 39