2am Sanders Sides doodle hours? Guess so! I adored the newest instalment with the selfishness v. selflessness Redux and hope Thomas and the gang are all proud of the amazing work they do!! <3

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[7/7] Keyleth - Freesia:
Innocence, Selflessness and obligation
A bouquet of freesias symbolizes friendship and trust

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Today’s mythical creature in self isolation.

R is for Rainbow crow.

A symbol of selflessness and service.

For everyone making sacrifices for others just now. Xxx

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I know it's not, like, special or unique to Peter as a character but for someone whose origin story is so rooted in the struggle to overcome his selfishness and his stories after that in striving for selflessness, his going "it's not just about my life, it's Betty and May" is 💕

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A nurse at has died. Thanking all the staff for their sacrifices, dedication and selflessness isn’t enough. They need proper supplies not trash bags. What a nightmare.

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Sunday's Twisted Fairy Tales
Snow-White sharing the apple with Eve, selflessness I presume...
Art by Sakimichan

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Day 25 - Angel + Kitsune
An already immortal Kitsune, Ki left her life of trickery and misdeeds behind, dedicating herself to purity and selflessness. Eventually, after thousands of years, she became a being of pure holy light.

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Yes, we play the game of “Selfishness vs Selflessness” for now, because we still identify with form and phenomena.
But when you get to the point of experientially knowing the All to be One, that game doesn’t really matter anymore.

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3. Birthday/Ratio
this ship has it all, comedic dynamics, yearning, devotion, domestic life, tragedy...The selflessness of Birthday's love being all he wants is Ratio's happiness, the selfishness of Ratio's love being that he refuses to be happy without Birthday 👌

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New song released: "Chant of Selflessness", by ft. & !


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On This Date 01/31/1919: Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born.

It is impossible to describe his impact in only 1 tweet.
He is more than just baseball.
He is more than just sports.
He made it happen.
His bravery, courage, perseverance, selflessness & heroism will never be forgotten.

5 19

gift for !!! its kind of late since I've been dead but I wanted to thank you so much for all your kindness and selflessness. you're a blessing

17 131

December 21: , this is for you!
Girl, you got a heart of gold that shines brighter than any diamond in the world. Your selflessness is one of your best qualities and your talent leaves everyone speechless! 💞
Merry Countdown to Christmas! 🎄❄️

19 74

I don't think I deserve it;
Selflessness, find your way into my heart
All stars could be brighter
All hearts could be warmer

I'm usually displeased with my dark pieces, but I like this! ;o Some Jodigan to pass the time.

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Thank you for the past 11 years, , , , , , & Thank you for teaching me about courage and selflessness. You will always be in my heart. Here’s to the next chapter.

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her arms, like the burn of whiskey down her throat when she'd look over the city from her balcony at night.

But then there was him. And all of a sudden, selfishness wasn't so easy a thing. All of a sudden, selflessness came easier as did shared, whispered oaths.


7 47

Judgements~selfishness vs. Selflessness ( / )
I got really happy to see a bit more of Deceit's character. The little snake emblem is adorable : a double snake I believe inspired by Janus. Maybe meaning that Deceit do have a soft side ?I guess we'll see that later

2 14

Emotion, empathy, passion, love, humility, generosity, selflessness, humanity, loyalty, dedication, diligence, talent, wisdom, honesty, bravery, strength, positivity, hope, inspiration, magic. ✨

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