One of my most used add-on for ever was a fan-made food and drink generator. I always try to add a lot of flavor (pun intended) to any game by describing local foods and drinks. I hope that will give us an official foodstuffs list of the Empire.

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Reading on Ubersreik is a really refreshing thing from my usual lecture about chaos cults, daemons, zombie dragons and Arabyan despots. The first "Ubersreik Adventures" are shaping up to be quite a blast.

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Just found out that there's no rolling for weight in 4th edition. There are rolls for height, eye color, hair color and age, but not weight. Why's that ?

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C7 June Recap

June was as busy as ever with releases for Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound!

We recap on all of our news and releases here:

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I think today's theme will be SCRIBES of WFRP and 40k. After all, someone's got to chronicle (and probably lie about) what's happening...

I'll start in the 41st millennium:

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SPOT PIECES! They illustrate passages of text, they break up blocks of it, they provide some variety from the more complete illustrations... I love spot pieces. Today will be a selection of some of the ones I've done for WFRP, starting with this 'Mutant Fish Parasite' piece 🤢

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For some reason it's easier to create harder and more challenging encounters in 4th edition than it was in 2e. Even higher-level characters with abundance of Fate, Luck, Resilience and Resolve can be more easily challenged in this game.

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Introducing famous characters and units from Warhammer Fantasy's rich lore, is seriously one of my favorite thing about GMing All of these (and more!) will take part in the final chapter of my Araby campaign.

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our witch from a WFRP campaign rolled a wayward garb on a minor miscast soo we had to throw him into the cart as he was for we had no time to figure it out

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Strange times in Middenheim. A mysterious ague called the Scabrous Pox is doing the rounds and the Komission for Public Works is saying cats are to blame. They'll give you a penny for a tail!

Find out more about The Horned Rat here:

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Clan Mange are a lesser Warlord Clan

A mercenary corps within Skavendom, offering their services on a contractual basis. Warriors don green clothing, and have a reputation for honouring contracts — something that cannot be said for most Skaven!

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I once again have to applaud for actually making the Slayer career viable to play in 4th edition. Now the crazy-ass deatwish dwarfs are finally worth picking up!

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Not gonna lie, this looks more than good. I'm tempted to grab the Horned Rat Companion as soon as it's out.

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I swear, the last chapter of "The Thousand Thrones" is impossible to finish normally. 3 high-level PCs with additional Fate Points and magic weapons are almost dead and heavily mutated, after encountering their first enemy. Looks like was right.

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Continuing my previous tweet: Fate Points and Luck are more than enough, when it comes to "get out of jail" mechanics in To be 100% honest I don't much like them either. Ever since I've started playing and I like my more lethal.

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Honestly, one of the only few things which really irk me in 4th edition is the Hero Points system. It's so not-warhammer... The fact that you can just burn a point, act before the final boss of the story and potentially waste him in one hit is just weak.

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Next weekend I'm leaving town with a bunch of friends. We're driving some to a small house in the fores, some 100+ kilometers from Warsaw, where we'll be playing for the whole three days. Similar thing was done in 2018, and it was awesome. Pic related.

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We just shared a new post from Dave Allen here:

I see woes visited on the villages of Middenheim’s Grand Duchy, how terrors lurk in the darkness, and the corruption of Chaos inflicts itself on already monstrous forms....

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The battered "Inglorious Basterds" mercenary company returned to Lashiek. After losing almost half of their men, the remaining mercs will probably leave the Imperial Embassy and the party of heroes, who used to be their leaders. We're returning to Araby tonight.

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Olav Pendestäg and Piotr Tomorov are just two of unique and interesting residents of the small village of Zhidovsk. We've left it behind, sadly, because today we have finished chapter 8 of "The Thousand Thrones". It's time for the final part of the campaign...

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