
Erotic shadow dance
In the city street
Grinding slow
Sensual heat
Filled with their own fantasies
They watch behind the smoke
But the fantasies are mine
With each wild stroke

6 15

When I reflect
I focus on
My eyes watching
Clouds dance
Birds glide
All bad memories become
I know my soul is as free
Even more so
Because I can beyond

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I can savour
on my lips
taste your urge
mingling raindrops
hot over trails
of your fingers
on my skin
mouth tracing
echoes of your smile
breath deeper
till you fill me
& we’re still
just kissing
in the rain

13 40

its finding
sassy restart
of my
brassy into me
of beaten part
remixed to timpani heal
glockenspiel feels

restringing of souls
unstrung harp
reorchestrating singing
in my unsung heart

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are just imaginings
in the reality
of the mind
we all seek
to know
and hope
to someday find

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A pierced her smooth foot. She lifted it and studied the pearlescent ridges in the sunlight. Her legs, still wobbly, grew stronger with each step. As she dried, her scales faded into skin. She stared at the ocean. Waves beckoned, but the call of love was stronger.

10 68

Bring your trends
Bring your dirt
Bring your baggage
You never had a friend like me
I promise
Lie in the bed that you made
I will inherit your shortcomings
Pain is as natural as the rain
I'll be there to weather it with you🌦
Don't fear to be alone

0 3

Curiosity crests
Prying peaks
When the ancient sorceress
Finally speaks
Teaching me well
Her magical ways
Some I find superannuated
But I dare not say
“You think me old fashioned?”
My thoughts have gone too far
She turns with a smile
Now I’m sitting in a jar


4 8

the house wilts
a forgotten relic
in a neglected pocket of time
hours loop on themselves
& the paint runs as thin
as her spirit

she sits on a broken chair
unmoved, still
holding on, to a tattered thread
that ties somewhere
to the
of the past

she waits, she wilts

21 102

are commonly called bushfires in Australia. Shelley Wildflower is from a long line of redheads who police the outback for firebugs and the like. She’s been burnt a few times herself. Shelley is a fair dinkum Aussie with a passion for catching the bad guys.

2 17

Two hearts beating as one, the of souls entwining.


3 14

this moment: Perfection.

(tweet 3/3)

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Dancing perceptions
Your favorite move
Seeking inception
Craving to churn

Who’s out to get me?
Sad for you
Your soul isn’t free
Caged in a to rule

Strive for
Be humble & kind
Or paste on false graphics
Time to be worthy of the divine

16 109

Surreal yet familiar
she writes with words
made of hearts.


11 48

midnight fantasy
let me be your one
twilight ecstasy

26 102

the physics of love

if time is relative
& quantum precise

what of love?

its molecule of tears
& smells
its liquid of longing
& sadness

the heart
a muscled book of
resounding songs

an ever beating psalm
of wrong yet

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