Bouquets: often given as part of a celebration or forgiveness catalyst—but no matter how lovingly watered in pleasing vases, their flowers will wilt in immured gloom. I know such sad days away from the sun.

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"I'm afraid your brother's soul has suffered trauma from their venom," Nurse Parker said. "They're a species with an incurable virus that invades parts of our mind that bleed deeper than tangible."
"But where are his eyes?" 364

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Immature skin w/ beastly eyes hold life's nectar in their hands, capturing devil's truth & angel's lie in small breaths that provide no escape. What sharp teeth when demanding you answer a toy phone. 359

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What if she is not who I thought she was? All these years I’ve had this idea of her as a poor little waif, an unhappy soul searching for in all the wrong places and now I may have to revise that impression and see her as someone completely different.

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People become historical through those who love them. Though in a century, perhaps only the trees will see us in every rainbow; & the wind will remember what incompetent liars we were—but for now, I'm here. I'll still breathe you in.

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