Books are going to become very precious!
This much I know
my own

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An old woman with a beak for a mouth and talons for fingers answered the door. “Hello child. I’ve been waiting.”

“Who are you?” asked Amelia.

“I am the Catcher. I safeguard your most secret thoughts on the Tree Of Wishes.”

Pictures: Pixabay: DarkWorkX

5 17

a tiny girl with a tiny crown
Was the mayor of a tiny town.
Bored and wanting to flee
She caught a ride with a
She'd only known "up" and now there was "down".

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There's a charm in falling petals that meet the breezes they twine with. I liked to sit on the bench across the road from church to watch days pluck flowers from their tree—a favourite catalyst for peace in a weary mind.

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I’d noticed it often
Her eyes filling up with tears
There was always a reason to cry or express emotion
When I look back now it makes more sense
She was constantly feeling
is mine

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Ashen days

when you question

all existence

ennui takes hold

📷from web

24 83

"Their entire village was framed shortly after coming out of despair," Hansel says.
"How awful! I heard it was during a hellacious summer w/ nary a cloud in sight as well."
"Awful? It was legendary! The frame was 24k gold."

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There's a
Of sirens& mermaids
Where the moon melts
Into the sea
& each connection
Is like a distant call
To find the right way up
Or take the long way down

I touch the water
It turns into gold
I kiss the wind
It sings a song
Am I lost
Or forever found

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Each connection
Is it predestined?
Chain of brief encounters
It starts butterfly effect
We change other's life
The game of chess
Where a pawn
Can knock down the king
For a check mate

15 43

The number of universal love
Corrupted by
Seven 7
Deadly sins
Four 4
Horsemen to
Destroy the world
Reducing humanity to
Nothing 0

12 25

Lost in waiting 'neath a blushing moon, its pink tint reflects on our hunt. Only blood will appease our reckless thirst. Beware: your safety & sanity as you wander here is merely a chimera. We wait~transformation imminent


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how beautifully the sun rises
on the endless fields
of our abandon
our wants and desires
galloping like untamed
against the tangerine skies
of free will
each desire & want
fulfilled in itself
content and happy
to simply have
empty, boundless fields
to run, to run

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