Bargaining for his life,
Blasphemy against the coven,
She consulted the ancient book of shadows.
It said to cut out his bastard tongue so he may never again taste the crumbs of human kindness.

6 16

My ears if they could, bleed from the but I’ll help her, now that she’s one of us.

Show her how euphoric it is, to feast on the scared souls of the living.

Suck in their nip at their necks.


21 77

"Harness" your potential
by walking away from every bit
of chaos that wasn't ordered by you

You can create life as much as you can take it
remember that when you're on your knees

0 2

frolicking rain
dancing barefoot
with the moon

🎨: "Clear Umbrella with Spring Flowers" by March2014

1 14

They drink in the dark knowledge. It fills up the thirsty and hungry spaces in their minds, yet they want more. Eldritch whispers warn, “Don’t fall asleep, lest the night shift of desperation let in the light.”

13 31

ok. we have a lift off.
- - -
this drawing is also my interpretation of the towering mushroom
a by
- - -


20 116

Twas a charming folly
Waking to morning sighs
We spent midnight exploring
A thousand stories, as many lies
Alas, you met your match
In a roughish lass like me
I left you with nary a shred of truth
On my latest heartbreak spree


8 24

He rose from the fathomless depths to tell them about the curious squid & the ugly anglerfish but he never spoke of the singing siren he had met. She remained his secret.

0 2

"I'm going to be an you said, with stargazing laughter.

I laughed, too, not knowing.

I think of you now, alone in the void, in all those twinkling lights.

And when night's shadows descend, I stargaze alone.

5 33

we thought it was

that brought us together

of lonely objects
in the void

for fortune's fools

but really
it was


i'll always fall
for you

8 26

There's something in the way she moves, the way she speaks. The way she carries herself, the perfect blend of shyness and flirty. I was a lost cause when I met her, I've never met another lass like that, and the brunette became the pink maned reason for my existence.

1 6

Bow to her majesty,
The Raven Queen.
A gown made of feathers,
Black soul of death.

7 18

We placed his remains
Under a cypress
His favourite tree
Where he could
Rise again
Surrounded by
Shadows of love
Gently caressing
His beautiful soul
With their
Gossamer embrace
Of devotion
Protected eternally by
Crepuscular birds
Of peace

11 40

I'd never seen anything like it. It was more than twice the size of the wildcats of the Empire, and spotted, not striped, with a short and large ears tipped with tufts of fur. It stared down at me, golden eyes almost unblinking. Huge feet gripped the branch.

1 17

“Dangerous,” Lena said. “An army on the is subject to raids from the mountains, quick ambushes & retreats into the valleys. A difficult land to subdue & to hold if the resistance is strong.” She was unintimidated, making this assessment in front of the Empress.

1 8

We picked our way down to the ruined fort. The wind blew steadily, keening through gaps in the stone. Small wildflowers grew on the walls and lizards darted and froze among them, hunting insects. I looked around me. Buildings had crumbled, gone into dust.

1 8


Seeking serenity he chose to
alight from the train

leaving yesterday's ghost behind

he ascended into a forest
escaping his fiendish problems

7 25