is here, so let's move our skeletal systems to the music that the coming Spring is making! By the way, that the average adult has 206 bones in their body & that dead bones are dry and brittle, but living bones feel wet and a little soft? 😱#TrueStory

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In 1952 a group of US researchers led by the great cardiologist Paul Paul D. White studied the relationship between the size of and their frequency in various animals, including a 4 meter long beluga.

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Sunday Patent Medicine Trade Card: "Weather & Medicine Signals for Daily Reference" "Complements" of Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass.

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of 1728 was born the great and John Hunter. Henter helped to improve understanding of human growth and remodeling, inflammation, gunshot wounds, venereal digestion, etc.

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[1/4] Good afternoon everyone! Today we'll be talking about grim eye stuff👁️ - specifically eye surgery - a topic that so many people are squeamish about! And who can blame them, really, when you look at the sorts of tools Victorian eye surgeons were working with?

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Today on the blog I'm talking about early modern advice to conceive a boy or a girl - including times of the year to try and foods to eat

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1792 Sept 27: The fabulous British illustrator & caricaturist George Cruikshank was born. He died 1 Feb 1878. One of his medical works is "Headache"

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Bartolomeo Estachio (1510-1574) is one of the fathers of modern His plates were lost but were fortunately found by GM Lancisi who published a commentary on these precious 47 drawings in 1714.

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Today's Find: Ian Williams' graphic novel "The Lady Doctor" was published 31 Jan 2019

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[1/7] We know what you’re thinking … how were strangulated hernias treated in the 19th century?! Well, fear not because we have some answers! A strangulated hernia is a serious medical condition in which tissue pushes through the abdominal wall and...

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Human gestation: on the left photo of “Fetus of 18 weeks” published in the LIFE magazine in 1965, on the right an antomic table taken from the work of the italian antomist Fabrizi ab Aquapendente from around 1600.

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of 1858 was born Oskar Minkowski. In1889, after removing the from a healthy dog, he noticed that some flies ate the dog's and that this urine contained

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Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente (1533 – 1619), was a pioneering anatomist and surgeon known in medical science as "The Father of

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Müllerian ducts are paired ducts of the that, in the will develop to form the fallopian tubes, cervix, and the upper one-third of the
They bear the name of the german physiologist Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858).

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The French dermatologist Jean Louis Alibert (1768-1837) performing the vaccination against - painted by Constant Joseph Desbordes.

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of 1816 was born the german physiologist Carl F. W. His work as a researcher had a major influence on the methods and apparatus used in almost all branches of

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The great English surgeon wrote "The Natural History of Human in 1771 in which he described dental development, and He called the with Latin terms: incisores, cuspidates, bicuspidates and molares.

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Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) was a swiss anatomist, physiologist, naturalist, encyclopedist and poet. A pupil of Herman Boerhaave and discent of Johann Bernoulli, he is often referred to as "the father of modern

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