Which vegetable do sailors dislike the most?

4 31

What did the digital clock say to their mother?

2 16

What do you call a smartly-dressed fish?

3 34

Why are frogs so happy?

They eat whatever bugs them... :')

3 9

Why did the chicken cross the playground?

3 21

I remember a comment made to me: “How do you play that big thing?” And I answered “very well!!” Lol 😂

17 84

Modern appliances may be spying on us.

3 24

Where does a fish go to borrow money?

3 19

Why didn’t the teddy bear have any dessert?

3 23

What animal can jump higher than a house?

4 33

What did one cactus say to another?

3 14

Which side of a chicken has more feathers?

1 12

What does a clam do on her birthday?

0 13

Why did the pepper wear a sweatshirt?

3 28

There’s been a lot of rain here in the southeast US. Need to build an ark?

2 33

What’s a leprechaun’s favorite music? Happy !

3 20

What do you call a band of rock-climbing pirates?

1 18