Character Illustration for grigoris_hobby 💪 I'm trying to push my art style a bit, I think I've achieved with this one 💀

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Few sneaky pics of my AoP board that I’ve just dropped off down the local store. Bit of a last minute thing but pretty happy with what I’ve cobbled together…

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I think I’m going to call it done on these sons of Nurgle. They’re not my main army. So this is about as far as I want to go with them. al

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Finished. And looks ok next to the other two finished minis. Death Guard aren’t really a faction I collect. But doing the Blight Hauler has set me to finishing the rest of the plague marines I have. al

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"Only in Death" illustration for david.love2 and other friends of a person that passed away. It is a real honor to immortalize him.

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Oh yeah, forgot to say I want to paint these from the Warhammer day reveals

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Nearly there on Teclis. Base is almost done too. Then... onto Celennar. Tried to evoke the palette of Yoshitaka Amano watercolors.

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Join us live at 7pm (UK time) for Two Paint Tuesday, Mrs MLG is painting Reaper Miniatures & Mr MLG constructing Black Templar Space Marines.
Twitch is free so come & join the hobby chat

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Couldn't resist posting one edited photo of the finished Megaboss on Maw Krusha whilst I sort out the others 😁

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5 metres of simulated barbed wire or razor wire- ideal for making model barbed wire in any scale.

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