has quite the diverse team of loyal CONs with their respective political shivs waiting at ready for an opportune moment! 😋


1 1

As you drew in the most colourful political cartoon, you're so right Theo!
couldn't pull it off! 😋


0 5

and his gang of thugs are so ...... I don't have make up stuff! 😋

1 1

Do we really know ? I don't want some DAMN type YANKEE preaching Western Canada Alienation! 😋


0 0

Lol... Per ,we all know what is doing when he is drinking his water. did a very good job training Andy! 😋


0 2

It's going to take more than a couple boxes of fancy sugary & bland coffee to save & from accountability for their nasty campaign! 😋


1 1

I still don't want a as the Leader of the Her Majesty Loyal Opposition in the ! When will come clean as to whether he is still an American Citizen? 😋


0 2

A lying is nothing new! I just need to know whether Andy is still an American Citizen! 😋


5 9

As said during the debate, just isn't PM material! Honestly, it's bad enough we have to live with a ( in my best fake Southern accent ---> ) DAMN YANKEE as the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition! 😋


0 1

It's no surprise over half of 's caucus is ! It's scary we have a leading Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition! Btw the is Scheer still an American Citizen? 😋


7 11

Should we be surprised lies? No! The . has never secured a majority without lying, misleading, minimizing electorate engagement or dividing and antagonizing progressive Canadians! Btw, is ? 😋


6 5

Will survive til the leadership review in April 2020? Why wait? is ready fight another election now! Andy should run 4 VP on the ticket! ! 😋


1 7

I still want to know the status of 's American Citizenship! Has Andy renounced it as he said he would or is this just another 1 of 😋


17 23

Now that is done, would someone please tell me has finally renounced his American Citizenship? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to know!

17 48