I still believe has lost his mind in this retirement! I have to wonder whether Stevie's fixation with " Regime Change " is due to own personal experience. Especially, the Canadian type! 😋


6 5

Oh Gawd! That's a lot of ; even 4 ur run of mill 2 cringe! ! That's10 2 pay that off! No wonder was PISSED! Them poor donors! 😋

5 11

Given experience with distribution of monies, 's author of the original would be the best Audit-in-Chief of 's financial malfeasants! 😋

1 2

Didn't fire Little Jamie? Is this Jamie's revenge; stick the political shiv into Andy when he down and out? Gawd, them CONs politically kill their own like no others in ! 😋

1 0

has quite the diverse team of loyal CONs with their respective political shivs waiting at ready for an opportune moment! 😋


1 1

That's a tough decision. Is a Liar, Fraud or just a ! Btw, I still want to know whether Andy is still an American Citizen? 😋


2 6

It's a big leap to think of and the as anything but a puppet for . It's their brand. Being PUPPETS! 😋


0 2

If results of are any indication, like his boss , is a LOSER! As said, how can anyone lose a hockey game against a team with an empty net! 😋


0 2

I still don't want a as the Leader of the Her Majesty Loyal Opposition in the ! When will come clean as to whether he is still an American Citizen? 😋


0 2

The sad part is we build up these Canadian assets (re. infrastructures) and then these GOD DAMN CONs sell the ^&$# to their f***&g CRONIES for pennies on the dollar!

0 3

A lying is nothing new! I just need to know whether Andy is still an American Citizen! 😋


5 9

I still want to know the status of 's American Citizenship! Has Andy renounced it as he said he would or is this just another 1 of 😋


17 23

I'm not surprised lied about like a typical supporter! Mark will claim he "misspoke"! 😋


0 5

Now that is done, would someone please tell me has finally renounced his American Citizenship? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to know!

17 48