# rescue heroine hero 5minutesartwork dogsofinstagram firenze painting fire heron artwork rescuedogsofinstagram photography catsofinstagram artist 5minutesartisanbread 5minutesart gopro heroes fireman 大木大樹 ストーン 千空 drstone キャロット ルフィ 僕のヒーローアカデミア ワンピース スカイピア シャーロット·カタクリ オールマイト ロロノア・ゾロ manga anime art arttoday artnow graphic graphicart drawing artnet graffiti graff urbanart streetart sketchdaily blackbookchronicles blackbook graffitiart colourfull markers artinspiration abstractart artgallery londonart ukgraffiti sketch blacksmith forge wfrp4 wfrp warhammer gamesworkshop cubicle7 digital illustration process sketch_dailies hephaestus vulcan mythology sketchtopics animal artistic sketchbook abstractartist cute nature animales abstraction abstract colourfull_vibrant_gujarat abstractexpressionism abstractpainting artisanassembly teamartisan doodle imagination artgood artyes artdrawing drawingnow creative ukart drawings image printmaking artpop linework fineart curated districtartisan dnd coffee kenku ttrpg sketchableartisan sketchable digitalart design animalcrossingnewleaf color colorscheme colors_of_day love crossingtheroad crossingthestreet travel instaart colors_impact crossingtheline pain couple togeterforever couplegoals friendships familytime coupleset friends couples friendshipismagic familyphoto instalove forever friendshipgoals weekend apolloni sfoglia crema pasticcera fornocultura teampastry scratch baking morning delicious expressiveart rt

A couple pansexual chars from Leif & Thorn!

🌿 Leif: sweet naive patriot, likes flowers & death metal
🧁 Elisa: student interrupted, likes baked goods & cute shoes
💀 Hyacinth: tol goth, likes social justice & black
🌺 Laurel: magical mom, likes artisanal perfumes & birds

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Happy Monday He's the god of artisans, smiths, and volcanic fire, he also created a pair of automatons to help him work and get around. Let's draw 🌋⚒️#Vulcan

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Welcome to our new member - who is a completely self taught artist and streamer. They love anime and manga and hope to one day publish their own manga/webtoon. | https://t.co/wSQXZksTU6 |

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Excellent...... I heard that adding a pinch of salt is meant to cancel out the bitterness of bad coffee, so I feel that the coffee would be considered artisan coffee. Now stuck with idea of hipster vampiric baristas.

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Say hi to the Coldbrew Kenku!
This feathered artisan alchemist has got the brew for you.

Have a swig and put a little pep in your step!

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is one of the inaugural members of the Sketchable Artisans. He designed Sketchable’s logo, created default journal art, beta tested, and shared his vision of Sketchable’s future.

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Last chance to see "Make Room!" by Dan Ferguson
Ends This Saturday at 5pm
ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE


ArtisAnn Gallery
70 Bloomfield Avenue
Belfast BT5 5AE

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An abstract using watercolour and gouache inspired by the sound of wind through trees. I’m really interested in adding a calligraphic element to some images. my own language of sounds I hear. # expressive art # peakdistrictartisans

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