Overhaul update No. 97:
Still experimenting and figuring out how the drawings will work best when in the book.

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Misuto,the princess, youngest sister of Kurai. Even though,she comes from a gloomy region, Misuto is a very colorful character. She dances while she fights her opponents and loves soul muffins. Her birthday is February 19.

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Todays Fantasy beast: The Bloodbeast floats in acidic goop and drags its prey in with a prehensile tongue to predigest them. This one is in Deathtrap Dungeon - a deadly world contest that makes the Hunger Games seem like a bouncy castle ride

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Did you know? Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin is a French artist of still lifes and home genre scenes, distinguished by their intimate realism, calm atmosphere and bright quality of their paint.


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I think I've written about 2,000 words today. I'm so proud of myself because it's been so long since I've been this focused on my book! I just wrote a nice scene between Nova and her father. Now I'm craving tea!

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is writers choice!
This is not my main character in my celtic fantasy novel Evergreen, but one of my main characters ancestors who makes an appearance in the prologue. Say hi to Jade! 🔥💚🌲

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Overhaul Update No. 88:
Found something that belonged to his old man. What's written on the other side?

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I loved the beast with a young woman’s heart, pure and true, and in return he loved me with a heart more human than any that beats inside the chest of a man.

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It's Sunday! How about some more This is Kestra and Nabrel discussing strategy. Done by tumblr's permafr0st. https://t.co/4m3FJtQ9n5

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Can we take a moment to appreciate this beauty of an art piece by ?! I like to imagine I look this cool when I put my stories together 😍

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will be at demo-ing games of and Stellar Adventures, and they have some new titles on release through too. https://t.co/UiHX8tvBLG

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This concept art by Ali Alramzi still blows my mind. He did these for me at 17 years old 😱

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I am in awe of this beautiful illustration by , featuring one of my main characters, Raynard Wolcroft! This scene is from Chapter 16 of my unpublished novel, Court of Leaves, which I hope to sell soon!

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