ya oldhammer is exciting. faith and fury is exciting. sisters of battle is exciting...

but silly me is still more hyped that there is a new chaos warrior kit coming

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So, I've been very quiet on the miniature front recently for various reasons, but see some of my current

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Then this happened & all of my army ideas made sense together 😍

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Good luck to everyone ordering the army set today. I hope that everyone who really wants one can get it.

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Remember the guy who set his dark elves on fire when they destroyed the old world? How're you feeling buddy?

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Just finished up my first deff dread really fun trying some different techniques like sponging and pretty happy with how he's come out. Just 2 to go 😆

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Reaper Marine of the Revenant Marines Chapter

Commission by Jeht-Maverick


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Slowly but surely cracking on with these lads. Also started building up my wurrgog who had a terrible case of finecast-foot, so giving him an ardboy boot like some of his lads 😁

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When even 40k can troll political issues you should know there's a problem 🤣🤣🤣

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In the grim-darkness of the far future, there is only Animal Crossing.

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day 78. Painted one of the I had converted on day 51. Glamour shot of before and after

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Themyscira tends to be more peaceful and have been in the same place for thousands of years, never interacting with man’s world and follow the Greek gods.

Bana-Mighdall are usually more warmongering, they used to be mercenaries and nomads and follow the Egyptian gods.

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Does anyone have any Rhinox kicking about? Not the paint, the great wooly tusky beasty for the

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Big week coming up, new mini-kickstarter with a beautiful siege tower give-away and a soft patreon launch on PDF Diagram and model development on our OpenPeg stacking system.

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