Shepherd & Nymph (c1575) is a late work by the master. The mood is lyrical like the sunset & the atmosphere pure poetry. He died in 1576, famed across Europe. He has always been seen as a great painter & never been subject to the vagaries of fashion. A great man

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The Finding of Moses, by Paolo Veronese (Italian), 1575,

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The dominant theory is that the picture represents a classical love triangle, with a secret letter being passed between one of the men and the nude woman. Cupid is on the left.

Unfaithfulness by Paolo Veronese 1575

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参照︰新約聖書 ヨハネによる福音書 13章

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OTD 1575, Two heroes of Elizabethan history , Francis Drake and John Norreys assaulted and took Sorley Boy McDonnell's castle on Rathlin Island then scoured the island putting every man, woman & child to the sword. Possibly 600 were slaughtered-Essex was well-pleased with result

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Norreys had many years of experience fighting in Ulster and was not squeamish about his hands dirty. He was central to the massacre Brain O'Neill's household in 1574, where they were guests of O'Neill, and the slaughter of civilians on Rathlin Island in 1575

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Melchior Lorck (c.1526-c. 1584), a painter, draughtsman, and print-maker of origin renowned for his illustrations of 16th century Empire.

Suleyman I (L)

Rooftops of Constantinople (Up.R)

The Janissaries' cook, 1575 (Low. R)

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Preparations for a Feast, Netherlandish (Delft) School, 1575-1625 seems the perfect share for today's Food & Drink theme today!

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Muchísimas gracias por todo lo compartido querida Diana! 🙏🌻

Feliz fin de semana para ti y para todos los amigos! ☀️

Guido Reni 🎨
Ángel de la Anunciación (1575)
Muchacha con una rosa (entre 1630 y 1631)
Retrato de una dama como una sibila (1635)

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Born in 1575: (1575-1612), Queen of Denmark and Norway as spouse of King

Portrait by Remmert Petersen (1575-1649) after Pieter Fransz Isaacsz (1569-1625)

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1575, Pieter Aertsen. Also known as Lange Pier because he was so tall! Here, his amazing Meat Stall from 1551, putting the insides (and even outsides) right in your face. But what's that behind all?

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'Rustam kills a Demon' (a unique way to kill Demons & get all the coins out of his pocket too!).
c1575 attributed to artist and now at USA.

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Pilgrims for the Holy Year 1575, Giovanni Battista de'Cavalieri, in or after 1575 (Rijksmuseum)
The 'new' St Peter's rises up behind the 'old' here.

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Born in 1575: (1575-1642), Queen of France as spouse of

Portrait by Frans the Younger (1569-1622), ca. 1606-7

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