Morning Twitter.
Rise & Shine
Wake & Bake
Burn & Brew

"I never said 'I want to be alone.'
I only said 'I want to be left alone.'
There is all the difference."

~ Greta Garbo

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Morning Twitter.
Rise and Shine.
Wake and Bake.
Burn and Brew.

"I think you should experience life before you can recreate it."
~ John Ritter

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I made it! I'm sleepy but here- without coffee for fear of waking the family. I knocked out a query, started a rough draft for Fall Writing Frenzy contest, and now onto WIP. Feeling good!

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Morning Twitter.
Wake & Bake
Burn & Brew

"Anything you dream is fiction,
and anything you accomplish is science,
the whole history of mankind
is nothing but

~ Ray Bradbury

0 4

Morning Twitter.
Rise & Shine.
Wake & Bake.
Burn & Brew.

"Without deviation progress is not possible."

~ Frank Zappa

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Say Hi, tell us your genre, accomplishments, goals, or your and Retweet for others to take part. Come and enjoy the spotlight!

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