Oct 24, 2014. By: delicous
[4 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"the ghastly will find you"

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was starting to nod off and had an AMAZING dream. I dreamt I had all 8 volumes of ANK in my hands and was swooning and crying at once.
I ran to check Kickstarter, but nope, no updates from June, Digital Manga, on the Psyche Delico KS with Ai No Kusabi restock. 4 years so far...

0 1

2月25日 久しぶりのお歌配信😊🎤古いJ-POPメインの♡EGO-WRAPPIN'さんの「くちばしにチェリー」LOVE PSYCHEDELICOさんの「Last Smile」元ちとせさんの「ワダツミの木」UAさんの「水色」ボカロ「ビターチョコデコレーション」を歌いました❣️いつも♡楽しい時間と元気をありがとう😌🙌🏻💕

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Oct 24, 2014. By: delicous
[5 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Fennekin wow he was hard to draw torchic was way easier "

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Oct 25, 2014. By: delicous
[2 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"oh no poor pikachu he is being chased by charizards flaming head what wierd cave did you go to pikachu. "

1 1

Oct 24, 2014. By: delicous
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"the fat fletchling of happines"

2 3

Why does anime food always look so delicous

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[Merry X-Mas 2020]
Paris and Beel were wrapping presents together when Beel saw some delicous cookies and eat them in secret. Without notice, they had more calories that he thought, making him grow unexpectedly while Paris fall on top of him, making a mess on the room 🥴💦

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im not into monsterfcking that much in others fandom
Chili nation has changed me
It was supprisingly delicous please gib us more LMAO

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*Ahhhh what a delicous snack, just lay back and let my stomach take care of you* I think its time to let this food settle and roll up for a nap. I wonder if they have a friend that can give me a belly rub.


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I'm Ângelo Delico, a Brazilian artist who loves to draw a lot ✨

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This was commissioned by a friend! |

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こだわりと表現が今に続く。Guest:NAOKI(LOVE PSYCHEDELICO)林幸治(TRICERATOPS / Northern Boys)こんなにこだわりを持って作品作りをされている事の驚きと感動。バンドメンバーへの信頼やその先に目指すもの、郷太さんとお2人の音楽愛が深い!

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Delicosis y yo uwu
Qué me gusta hacer picrews de nosotros dos https://t.co/tLoZbIZZUu

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