Wow! And just like that, we’ve officially unlocked not one but two of the first stretch goals on the Angry Squad Kickstarter campaign! This means all physical backers will be getting an Angry Fred Bookmark and die cut sticker!

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Time is running out to back the Teddy Bear Tales: Awakenings on at With the TeamD stretch goal unlocked you are getting onboard an EPIC adventure!

Together we all rise!

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Thank you! We just passed the $4000 mark on the Teddy Bear Tales

This TeamD stretch goal has been unlocked!!! Doubling the adventure!!!

Back the Kickstarter at

You're awesome!!!

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Have you backed the Teddy Bear Tales: Awakenings on at We have already unlocked two and very close to opening the TeamD goal!

Together we all rise!!!

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Bit slow on updates as I’ve been working on another Kickstarter. I have however just finished typing & printing off the script for episode 2 of this 3 book story that’s a thing😬👍🏻
Coming to a Kickstarter drekly.

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For over 100 years Teddy Bears have been protecting us from the Monsters under the bed. The adventure begins in A Teddy Bear Tales: Awakenings on Kickstarter at

Adventures ahead!

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A huge thank you and congratulations to author for his tireless work on Illegal Cargo, successfully funded today on Kickstarter!

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Today's the day...

At 7pm GMT & launch Hell in Stalingrad. A pulp WW2/Horror comic with art by

Join the pre-launch page and don't miss out on our first day exclusives.

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Prime Key, chapter 1 "print" version is almost ready. Check out the print release Cover!

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We're getting ready to launch our Kickstarter for Legends of Fomora! Join our mailing list to know when it goes live!

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1 hour left on our Kickstarter campaign. We are $65 away from $1,800 and 1 backer from 90. I know we can make it. Let’s goo!! Keep sharing it.

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Me faltaba compartir esta ilustracion de Anterra Cronicas hecha por el talentosisimo por aca, chequen su trabajo por favor! el link para mi proyecto en lo encuentran acá

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