Hi! My name is SafeGoldenHeart and I'm a who loves pop culture as well as draw fan art! I love seeing people's work for inspiration!


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En este dibujo si siento que subi de nivel, vamos por mas!

In this drawing, if I feel I have leveled up, let's go for more!

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Goodafternoon everyone. Wish you fine weekend. I draw butterfly background for mobile or tablet. You may save and use.

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Goodevening everyone. All had good day? Last few days I been busy. But now old drawing share with you.

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Hello, I‘m Alex ^u^

I am a hobbyartist from Germany and I love drawing girls / young women & fanarts in shoujo Style. I draw digital and traditional. 💕

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Goodafternoon. Yesterday I got challenge, try draw something for someone. Big project. Takes few days before finish. First, old drawing. Wish you nice evening.

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Goodmorning everyone. Wish you nice tuesday. Last year 2019 I make 65 drawings. I have lot to tweet. 🙃 Today a dog.

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Winter with :D
Little digital with a side character. I like her design but I get to draw her so little in the comic 😆

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Hi I'm Jenny, a german hobbyartist. I'm working in a sanatorium, play games und drawing stuff. Mostly fanarts, nsfw and OC's of mine. 70% traditional, 30% digital art. I'm love to draw gay and straigt pairings❤️❤️❤️

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Heyo I'm Cyberwurst! I'm a hobbyartist from germany and I mostly draw fanarts when I have some freetime ^^

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