When we thought that our gallery was at maximum along came from Great job making this in Instructor Andrew A.’s class, Claudia V.! 👏😁💯😎👍

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During Instructor Dan W.’s class, Jay F. modeled this AND 3D printed it out! Therefore, Jay F. knows what he’s doing! 😎👌👏😁💯🔥

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Hitomi and Instructor Justin M. drew a together in class! It looks like a very frog 🐸! We’ll guess that this frog is probably friends with 😎🐸💯👏

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This that Leandro S. is making with Instructor Zack H. is getting very real! 😳👌😈🤘🔥👏💯

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The incredibly Jesse G., aka , colored his awesome during Instructor Dan W.’s class! 😎👌🔥👏💯👌

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Claudia V. has finished her of from Instructor Andrew A. said she also has started a Exciting times!!! 😎🔥💯👌👏

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Joaquin H. did a job in Instructor Rich L.’s class! He drew from Keep it up, guys! 🤗💯🔥👌👏

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For anyone who’d like to see a here you go! 😜 It’s hauntingly beautiful! 😈👻💀🤡 Leandro S. and Instructor Zack H. have successfully us 👀😱

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Our student, David W., has been modeling a Gritty Goomba in Instructor Russell’s class! That is one cool and detailed Goomba, for sure! 🤘🤯👏💯

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We are by this that Charles and Instructor Jessica S. are working on! This seems really cool! 😎💯👌🔥

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Game-U student, Katie M., made some really cool in Instructor Jessica S.’ class! Katie has a idea! 👏💯🔥😎👌

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Gavriel made this in class with his Instructor, Andrew! He is planning to use it for an 😳👌👏💯🌴

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Remember this drawing that student, Lauren T., is working on? Instructor Zack gave us an and it is This is great attention to 👏💯😳😁

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Instructor Dan W. tells us that his student, Jesse G., is a artist! That is very obvious in this masterpiece of 🔥🤩👏💯

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At some point, all of us have had about living in a George M. created his own in with the help of his instructor, Cameron H. 🏰

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It’s a Where have you been all I needed your 😑 Courtesy of Chris and Instructor Cameron! 😁🔥🔥💯👏

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Chris and his instructor, Cameron, made this very chair the other day!!! Have a seat and look at our gallery!!! 😝👌👏

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Another day, another Dinozord!!! Micha and Instructor Russell clearly take their Dinozords quite seriously!!! It looks just like the one I saw on my way home!!! 😝👏👌💯🔥😳

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Wow! Roland is making his character in 2D AND 3D!!! 🤯 He’s doing a fantastic job with Instructor Matthew!!! 💯👏👌

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